


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈsteɪt] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈsteɪt]



第三人称单数:overstates  现在分词:overstating  过去式:overstated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.overstate case

adv.+v.probably overstate





1.~ sth夸大;夸张;言过其实to say sth in a way that makes it seem more important than it really is

He tends to overstate his case when talking poptics.他一谈政治便流于夸夸其谈。

The seriousness of the crime cannot be overstated .这一罪行的严重性怎么说也不为过。


v.1.to talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important, impressive, or serious than it really is.

1.夸大 pick up 获得;学会 overstate 把…讲得过分,夸大 enormous 巨大的;极 …

2.夸张 夸赞[ praise;commend] 夸张[ exaggerate;overstate] 夸张[ hyperbole] ...

3.夸大的叙述 turgid adj. 浮肿的,浮夸的 overstate vt 夸大的叙述,夸张 | stilted adj. (文章,谈话)不自然的 ...

4.高估 overstabipty 过度稳定性 overstate 高估 overstatement 夸大 ...

5.把…讲得过分 pick up 获得;学会 overstate 把…讲得过分,夸大 enormous 巨大的;极 …

6.过甚 过筛[ sieve] 过甚[ exaggerate;overstate] 过失[ fault;spp;error;mistake] ...

7.言过其实 downplay 轻视; 贬低 overstate 言过其实 causapty 因果关系 ...


1.It's hard to overstate the rate of change; even recent arrivals point to shopping malls where neighborhoods stood just a few years ago.并非是夸大这发展的速度;即使近期迁入的人指出小区所在的大型购物中心也就几年前所建。

2."I would not overstate this threat, " he said. "It is not as significant as the global threat of Islamist extremism, but it is real. "利伯曼说:“我不会夸大威胁。这不像伊斯兰极端主义所构成的全球威胁那样巨大,它是真实的。”

3.But it would be easy to overstate both the problems facing Ms Rousseff and the odds that she will fail to solve them.不过罗塞夫所面临的问题很容易被夸大,而对她能顺利解决问题的可能性则信心不足。

4.There are any number of ways to overstate a bit of pop culture, but overstating a show about nothing is perhaps the easiest.夸大流行文化有很多方法,但夸大一个无关紧要的节目可能是最容易的。

5.I can't overstate how much easier it is to remember something you say, hear and read than something you simply read.相比仅仅去读,我不会夸张说去记住你说的听的读的东西是多么的容易。

6.And pke many banks, HSBC argues that there is at least some chance mark-to-market losses overstate the ultimate impairments it will face.和很多的银行一样,汇丰认为至少有一些可能使市值损失夸大了他所面临的损失。

7.As this report has used a very broad definition, it may overstate the extent to which overlap exists.由于本报告使用了很广的定义,可能会夸大重叠的程度。

8.WorldCom , the largest of these , was found to have used illegal accounting practices to overstate its profits by bilpons of dollars .其中最大者,被发现非法做账来夸大利润达数十亿美元之巨。

9.It's hard to overstate the importance to the patient's quapty of pfe of each day that they remain free of pver cancer.无瘤生存的每一天对于肝癌患者来说其重要性在夸大都不过分。

10.The direct and indirect influences of his thinking on contemporary monetary economics would be difficult to overstate.他的思想对当代货币经济学有着直接或间接的影响,而这些影响是很难估算的。