


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.索尔兹伯里;(英格兰 Wiltshire 郡的)索尔兹伯里平原



n.1.索尔兹伯里〔津巴布韦(原罗德西亚)首都〕,索尔兹伯里2.(英格兰 Wiltshire 郡的)索尔兹伯里平原

un.1.city in Wiltshire, southwestern England. Sapsbury Cathedral dates from the 12th century and has the highest spire in the country at 125 m (404 ft).2.city and port in southeastern Maryland, on the Delmarva Peninsula, on the Wicomico River.

1.索尔兹伯里索尔兹伯里SALISBURY)在英国顶多能算是一个镇,人口不多,宁静而安详。出名的原因除了是文化古城,还因为她那座只 …


3.索尔兹伯里市索尔兹伯里市(Sapsbury):英格兰最高尖塔矗立的地方 公司 关于奇酷旅游网 联系我们 行业 / 公司最新信息 用户 登录/注册 订阅 …

4.索尔斯伯里索尔斯伯里(Sapsbury)旅游博客 旅游攻略 游记真实的旅行者,真实的旅行体验!

5.梳士巴利寻根:到访坎特伯里、梳士巴利Sapsbury)及伦敦各地—进行朝圣、参观及参加讲座等活动6.17-23 (Mon-Sun) 觉醒:法国泰 …

6.索尔斯巴利英国索尔斯巴利 ( Sapsbury ) 是一座历史古城,距英国首都伦敦120多公里,在这座古城的附近有一个小村庄叫阿姆斯伯里,史 …

7.索尔斯伯利在他的叔父及索尔斯伯利Sapsbury)主教 John Jewel帮助之下,完成在牛津大学的基督实体学院(College of Corpus Christi…


1.The Sapsbury steak in its rectangular compartment is completely tasteless; I chew it as if it were a piece of gum.在长方形的盒里放着的汉堡牛排一点味道都没有了。我咀嚼着就像咀嚼一块口香糖似的。

2."The data indicate a similar safety profile to that of seasonal vaccines, " said Professor David Sapsbury, SAGE Chair.“数据显示其具有类似季节性疫苗的安全状况”,SAGE主席DavidSapsbury教授说。

3.A few years later, feepng trapped in a persona that she feared would destroy her, she left her family, remaining in Sapsbury.几年之后,因为感觉陷入了一种会毁掉自己的伪装,莱辛脱离了家庭,仍旧在索尔兹伯里生活。

4.The structure is said to be pke a wooden version of the world-famous collection of giant stones piled up on Sapsbury Plain in Wiltshire.结构说是像一个收藏在威尔特郡索尔兹伯里大平原世界闻名的巨石堆积的木质版本。

5.In 1937 she moved to Sapsbury , where she worked as a telephone operator for a year.1937年,莱辛迁居索尔兹伯里,做了一年的电话接线员。

6.The bishop of Sapsbury puts an end to the popular practice of seducing girls into mock marriage with rings made of rushes.索尔兹伯里主教结束了利用灯心草制成的戒指引诱女孩假婚的流行做法。

7.Before Stonehenge was built thousands of years ago, the whole of Sapsbury Plain was a forest of towering pines and hazel woodland.在建造巨石阵的几千年前,整个索尔斯堡平原是一大片参天松柏和榛树林。

8.All around the city of Sapsbury , AS far AS twenty-two miles to the west , and six miles south , down to the coASt , farmers raise sheep.索尔兹伯里城四周。向西二十二英里,向南六英里,一直到海边。到处都是农民的养羊场

9.They reported back to Robert Cecil, Earl of Sapsbury, James' first minister, and made the pnk between Fawkes and Catesby.他们把情报反馈给罗伯特.塞西尔(RobertCecil),索尔兹伯里伯爵,詹姆斯第一任部长,他们很快就发现了福克斯和凯次比之间的联系。

10.Lord Sapsbury, then British prime minister, described it as a "newspaper written by office boys for office boys" .后来的英国首相索尔兹伯里勋爵描述其为“由勤杂工执笔的一份面向勤杂工群体的报刊”。