


美式发音: [θiːbz] 英式发音: [θi:bz]





n.1.[City]an famous ancient Egyptian city2.[City]an ancient Greek city

1.底比斯 ... Kakerlaken-Poker 德国小强 Thebes 底比斯的远方 Die Kutschfahrt zur Teufelsburg 魔城马车 ...

5.底比斯人故 事中的底比斯人Thebes)却陷入这些罪行的泥沼中(也许是因为他们刻意视而不见)。当他们挣扎著要往前进,并面对包 …

6.西伯斯西伯斯Thebes)的教士们指给他看341座巨型塑像,每一巨像代表11340年的一个祭司长时期。我们现在知道,每一位祭司长 …


1.Standing on top of a hill overlooking Thebes , Leto saw all this and was ready to pay back.雷托此时正站在山顶上俯视底比斯城,当她看到这一幕,她决心要“以牙还牙”。

2.Oedipus had not gone far on his way to Thebes when he saw a cart coming towards him.俄狄浦斯没走多远的途中,当他看到一底比斯车朝他走来。

3.A prophet warned King Laius of Thebes that because he had married his cousin Jocasta, he would be killed by his son.一个预言家警告底比斯国王拉伊俄斯,因为他他的表妹结了婚,他可能会被他的son。

4.(Greek mythology) the blind prophet of Thebes who revealed to Oedipus that Oedipus had murdered his father and married his mother.(希腊神话)底比斯的盲人预言家道出了俄狄甫斯杀父娶母的真相。

5.By the age of 20, Alexander the Great was proclaimed the King of Macedon and had conquered Athens and Thebes.20岁的时候,亚历山大大帝成为了马其顿之王,并且攻占了雅典和底比斯。

6.Oedipus became king of Thebes and husband of the queen, his mother.俄狄浦斯成了底比斯的国王和王后,他的母亲的丈夫。

7.Niobe, the queen of Thebes, had indeed good reason to be proud of her herself .底比斯王后尼俄伯的确该为自己感到骄傲。

8.The earliest known palaces are those of the Egyptian kings at Thebes, with an outer wall enclosing a labyrinth of rooms and courtyards.已知最早的宫殿是埃及国王们在底比斯所建,内有错综复杂的房间和庭院,四周有一道围墙。

9.A king of Thebes was mistakenly killed by his own son, Oedipus.底比斯国王被他自己的儿子俄狄浦斯误杀了。

10.Many smaller Greek states, moreover, took the side of the Persians, especially Thessaly, Thebes and Argos .而且,许多较小的希腊城邦都站到了波斯人那一边,尤其是塞萨利,底比斯和阿哥斯。