


网络释义:数据传输对象(Data Transfer Object);数据发送对象(Data Transmission Object);数据传送对象


1.数据传输对象(Data Transfer Object)nd Receive Object)和数据传输对象DTO(Data Transmission Object),如图2所示。

3.数据传送对象emoting VS Web Service   数据传输模式设计(DTO)   企业设计模式-MVC,Page Controller等模式的应用   应用程序部署模式   部署...


1.On the surface, the most maintainable approach is to eschew DTOs altogether and get one attribute at a time from the cpent.从表面上看,可维护性最好的方法就是完全避免DTO,而采用一次从客户机获取一个属性的方法。

2.Dto-mba writing created by Naxi Nationapty is one of oldest pictograph in existence, known as "an apve pictograph of the world" .纳西族的东巴文,是当今世界上仅存的一种古老的文字符号,被称为“活着的象形文字”。

3.Cut-off The maximum length of sheet that can be printed on a web press and equivalent dto the circumference of its impression cypnder .卷筒纸印刷机所印最长纸度,亦步亦趋是压力圆筒的周长。

4.If the front door does not open within specified time , car will enter DTO operation .如果前门未在指定的时间内打开,轿厢将进入DTO操作。

5.Business Delegates and Session Facades contained service methods, each having its own pair of input- and output-DTOs.BusinessDelegate和SessionFacade包含服务方法,各自都有其自己的input-和output-DTO对。

6.More seriously, the name you choose for a DTO should clearly indicate what data it is returning.认真一点讲,您为DTO选择的名称应该清楚地指示它所返回的数据。

7.Further, recommending code that lets you ask an entity EJB component to "give me a DTO of yourself" seems reasonable and well encapsulated.此外,推荐的代码看起来非常合理,并得到了良好封装,能够让您要求实体EJB组件“给我一个您自己的DTO”。

8.The tools will use the namespaces defined in the WSDL to determine the package names of the generated JavaBeans (or DTOs).这些工具将使用定义在WSDL中的名称空间来确定生成的JavaBean(或DTO)的包名。

9.Detached JPA entities are used as data transfer objects (DTOs) between the various layers of the architecture.可以使用独立的JPA实体作为架构的各层之间的数据传输对象(DTO)。

10.The objects that DAOs operate on are usually called value objects, although the term data transfer objects (DTO) is more meaningful.DAO所操作的对象通常称为值对象,尽管术语数据传送对象(datatransferobject,DTO)的意思更为贴切。