




1.实现类(implements) ... 10. Job 工作类 11. Impl 实现类 12. Listener 监听器类 ...

2.各个具体实现 Sample.Core : 业务逻辑层 4. Sample.Impl各个具体实现 5. TAG 标签: ...

3.线性微分方程 fsolve 非线性函数过零解 impl 线性微分方程 intg 不定积分 ...

4.器械 ... ) mechani c tool 机械器具 ) impl 工(机,农)具,器械 ) Cooker machinery 炊具机械 ...

5.微分代数方程 diff — 离散微分和差分 impl微分代数方程 intc — 柯西积分 ...

6.函数 timer_impl 函数,只能在 boost::asio::deadpne_timer 对象。 第一个 ...


1.Looking at the definition of swap_impl(T& left, T& right), you see that it makes a call to the swap routine.查看swap_impl(T&left,T&right)的定义,您会看到它调用了swap例程。

2.(or similar) is a message. properties file that contains the default messages shown in Figure 14.jsf-impl.jar(或类似的文件中)中包含了一个message.properties文件,该文件包含图14所示的默认消息。

3.Both are interfaces, with implementation classes within the sub-directory called impl.这两个文件都是接口,类的实现在子目录impl下。

4.For all other cases, swap_impl(T& left, T& right) is called.对于所有其他情形,会调用swap_impl(T&left,T&right)。

5.The various source files in the impl sub-directory are all concrete implementations of the interfaces created by JaxMe.impl子目录中的各个源文件都是由JaxMe创建的接口的具体实现。

6.Create a Web service in the workspace and set Service Implementation to services. impl. GreeterImpl.在工作区中创建一个Web服务,并将ServiceImplementation设置为services.

7.Create two sub-directories under impl: include and pb.在impl目录下创建两个子目录:include和pb。

8.Create a directory impl under the apppcation directory sample_spl.在应用程序目录sample_spl下创建目录impl。

9.Create a package named services. impl and copy the Java file in.创建一个名为services.impl的包并将Java文件复制到该包。

10.New files are generated in the package services. impl, which you will use in the Java component in SCAModule.新文件即在services.impl包中生成,这些文件将用于SCAModule中的Java组件。