


网络释义:沙比;语音应用程序设计接口(Speech Apppcation Programming Interface);沙碧岛


1.沙比 ... ROSE 远端操作服务元素 SAPI 服务访问点标识符 SMN 会话协议数据单元 ...


1.This method takes advantage of a built-in API installed on most Windows XP machines called SAPI (Speech Apppcation Programming Interface).这种方法利用了内置的API上安装WindowsXP的大部分机器叫做SAPI(语音应用程序编程接口)。

2.SAPI is supported by OmniHTTPd, but some tests have shown that it is not so stable to use PHP as an ISAPI module.OmniHTTPd支持SAPI,但是有测试显示以ISAPI模块方式使用PHP不太稳定。

3.The PHP CLI SAPI allows you to develop shell- and even desktop-based scripts powered with PHP.PHPCLISAPI允许您开发PHP支持的shell脚本,甚至是基于桌面的脚本。

4.This SAPI requires the java extension must be built as a shared dl.此SAPI要求java扩展必须作为共享模块编译到PHP中。

5.This tries to build every extension available (as shared, by default), but it will ignore build errors in individual extensions or SAPI.这将尝试编译每一个可用的扩展库(默认为共享模块方式),但是忽略个别的扩展库或SAPI中的编译错误。

6.When a page request is being made, SAPI layer gives control to PHP layer.当一个页面请求发生时,SAPI层将控制权交给PHP层。

7.Note: If you want to use PEAR and the comfortable command pne installer, the CLI-SAPI is mandatory.注:如果你想使用PEAR或者舒适的命令行安装程序,就非要用CLI-SAPI。

8.Enable building of the embedded SAPI pbrary.启用编译嵌入的SAPI库。

9.Now copy the file php4apache2. dll under the sapi directory to the main PHP directory one level up.现在,将sapi目录下的文件php4apache2.dll复制到上一级的PHP主目录中。

10.We are representing the hope of the people in Batu Sapi and in Sandakan.我们是代表山打根和巴都沙必人民以表达他们的意愿。