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n.1.[Travel]state in Malaysia, in the northern portion of the island of Borneo


3.砂劳越《 详全文》 分类:国外旅游 2006/12/03 01:34 给自 …

4.沙劳越在沙劳越( Sarawak)境内,则分布於毛律山(Murud,沙劳越第一高峰,murudensis这只猪就特产於这座山上,故以山为名.此外,muluen…

5.沙捞越州沙捞越州 (SARAWAK) 最大: 124,450 平方公里第二: 沙巴 (SABAH) : 73,631第三: 彭亨 (PAHANG) : 36,137评论| 其他类似问题 …

6.砂拉越州砂拉越州(Sarawak)又称为犀鸟之乡(The Land of Hornbills)。由于常年湿度高,树木茂盛,是世界著名雨林地带之一,各种动植 …




1.As a child growing up in the jungle-soaked Malaysian state of Sarawak, Lai Fui Fin dreamed of a pfe among the rich and famous.现年37岁的赖辉峰(音)在丛林密布的马来西亚沙捞越州(Sarawak)长大,从小就梦想能身处富豪名流之中。

2."We have got evidence of widespread and anarchic illegal logging in national parks in both Kapmantan and Sarawak, " he said.「我们得到证据的证据显示,在加里曼丹和沙劳越都有大规模无法无天的非法伐木行为,」他说。

3.Five states were to comprise the Federation of Malaysia. Four of them were Malaya , Brunei, Sarawak and Singapore. Which was the fifth?五个州组成马来西亚联邦。其中四个是马来亚、文莱、砂劳越和新加坡。第五个是谁?

4.The mini frogs were found on the edge of a road leading to the summit of GunungSerapi Mountain in Kubah National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia.此种小蛙是在马来西亚沙捞越州库巴国家公园中通往思拉彼山顶峰的公路边发现的。

5.Imported from all over South East Asia, especially mixed in small logs from Kapmantan and Sarawak, but not much in volume.进口区域泛及整个东南亚﹐由加里曼丹及沙唠越进口者常混杂在小径木中﹐数量不大。

6.Creators Profile The Creator Chang Chu Hwa , is coming from Betong Town ( Middlewood ) , Sarawak State ( Borneo Island ), MALAYSIA .创造者曾楚铧,来自于马来西亚,砂劳越州(玻罗洲岛),木中镇(美乐坞)。

7.Sarawak is one of the two Malaysian states in Borneo.沙劳越是马来西亚在婆罗洲的两省之一。

8.Wedding Reception : Hornbill Restaurant, The Sarawak Club, Kuching .席设:古晋砂拉越俱乐部犀鸟餐馆。

9.Recently, it announced two more connections to Miri (Sarawak) and Tawau (Sabah), which it will operate from September.近日,亚航宣布增加两条航线到米尔(沙捞越)和斗湖(沙巴),并计划九月份投入运营。

10.Here holds the world's largest Chamber-Sarawak Chamber, the biggest passage -- Deer Cave.这个石洞群隐藏了世界上最大的沙捞越洞窟以及洞穴通道“鹿洞”。