




1.和平日 ... 清晨的墓地( Morning in the graveyard) 和平日Peace Day) 阿尔卑斯山的夕阳( Alpine sunset) ...

2.纪念日 庆生会 Birthday Party 和平纪念日 Peace Day 才艺课开始 After-school class starts ...

4.二二八和平纪念日 ... 元宵节 The Lantern Festivel 二二八和平纪念日 Peace Day 妇幼节 Woman and Children's D…


1.On this Peace Day find some small way to give of yourself, something you might not usually do. It does not need to be huge.在和平日你可以选择做一些平时不常做的事情学会贡献自己的一份力量。

2."We are uniting on this day as a commitment to Peace Day, " Puma CEO and Chairman Jochen Zeitz said in the statement.彪马董事会主席兼首席执行官JochenZeitz发表声明称:“为了遵守对和平日的承诺,我们会在这一天团结起来。”

3.They celebrated Peace Day by releasing doves into the sky.他们将鸽子放到天空中,以庆祝和平日。

4.Children in Kabul fly "Peace kites" adorned with doves and opve branches on International Day of Peace day in Afghanistan.阿富汗儿童于世界和平日那天,在首都喀布尔放装饰着有和平鸽及橄榄枝的风筝。

5.Of the watchmen set on the walls of Jerusalem, God said: "Which shall never hold their peace day nor night. "论到耶路撒冷城墙上的守望者,神说:“他们昼夜必不静默。”

6.I want to see the sunrise. Enjoy the moment of peace. Day and night the respective waiting for in situ.我想去看海边的日出。享受那一刻的宁静。昼和夜各自在原地等待。

7.In short, they gave him no peace day and night.总之,他们从早到晚地不让他安宁。

8.On "Peace Day" , no fighting or confpcts are allowed.在“和平日”这一天,不允许有打斗或冲突。

9.There is New Year's Day, Peace Day, and Earth Day.还有元旦节、和平日和地球日。