


美式发音: ['sʌti:] 英式发音: ['sʌti:]





1.[u]萨底,寡妇自焚殉夫(旧时印度教习俗)the former practice in Hinduism of a wife burning herself with the body of her dead husband

2.[c]自焚殉夫的寡妇a wife who did this


1.念 SAPRO 腐烂 SATI 足够 SE 自己 ...


1.Only in the short moment of sati does panna, have the opportunity to know a rupa or nama more distinctly as they really are, as not Self.只有存在正念的短暂时刻,智慧才有机会更清楚地如实认识色法或名法,知其为无我。

2.Judging from the comparison optimizing the various index of queen and optimizing the various index of front, result is sati. . .从优化后各项指标与优化前各项指标的比较上看,结果是令人满意的。

3.When one has pstened to Dhamma and heard about sati, there will be more remembrance of it.当一个人已听闻佛法并听到了正念,将会对此有更多的记忆。

4.The act of sati was supposed to take place voluntarily, and from the existing accounts, most of them were indeed voluntary.殉夫行为是凭自愿的,而据现存资料来看,绝大多数的殉夫行为确是出自自愿。

5.These two, sati and panna (mindfulness and wisdom), are mental factors (sankhara) which are not Self.正念和智慧这两个是心所(行蕴),是无我的。

6.To develop sati is to shake the knowing element of a person.培养觉性就是在唤醒一个人的觉知元素。

7.Pit hall, complete sati 106 Ma remains, after the discovery of the site completed.展厅内坑中,有完整的殉马遗骨106具,在发现原址建成。

8.We touch the switch here in order to have pght there. We develop sati here in order to end all dukkha.我们按下这里的开关是为了照亮那边,同理,我们培养觉性是为了灭苦。

9.As a result the unnecessary trial-producing process can be avoided, time and cost can be retrenched, and the sati. . .从而避免了不必要的试制过程,节约了时间和成本,提高了客户的满意度。

10.If there is no sati at that moment, there can be no panna either.如果在那一刻没有正念,就不可能有智慧。