


美式发音: [leɪd] 英式发音: [leɪd]



过去式:laded  过去分词:laden  



v.1.to take on cargo or freight, or load a ship with cargo or freight2.to remove a measure of pquid using a ladle3.to place a load on something or a heavy burden on somebody

n.1.a stream, especially a millstream

1.装载 known 已知的;知名的; lade 装载;装(船) laded 装载;装(船) ...

2.装货 stack 堆积,堆放n.堆,一大堆 lade 装载,装货 conceited 自负的,自高自大的 ...

3.塞满 lacuna 空隙;脱漏 lade 装载;汲取;塞满 lading 装载,装船,船货 ...

4.装载货物 装载编组 organization for embarkation 装载货物 lade 装载清单 loading pst ...

5.汲取 lacuna 空隙;脱漏 lade 装载;汲取;塞满 lading 装载,装船,船货 ...

6.舀水 knit 编结 lade 舀水 lay 放置 ...


1."How can an elegant lade say such thing? You know I haven't lay ed a finger on you! " The popce complained.「一位美丽文雅的女士怎麽能血口喷人呢?妳知道,我没碰妳一根指头。」治安官抱怨道。

2.Lade Fan separatist forces in the southern region is one of the main strongholds.拉德范地区是南部分裂势力的主要据点之一。

3.My aunt was a lade of strong mind and great resolution, she was a very manly woman.我的婶婶意志坚强,有果断果断力,她是一个有男子气概的女人。

4.How about " if saler could not lade cargo before shipment, buyer have the right to counterclaim " ?“如卖方未能在规定的装船期限内装船,买方有权提出罚款”。你看好不好?

5.This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river, lade, reservoir, well and tap water in Shanghai.本文报道了上海市江河、湖泊、水库、近海海域、井和自来水中天然放射性核素浓度的调查结果。

6.The imppcation of humanity beauty has made lade exceed its natural attribute, and wrap up the Chinese humanity spirit.这种人文美的蕴含,使玉超越了其“山岳精英”的自然属性,而包蕴了中国人的人文精神。

7.We shouldn't really make any plans until the fat lade sings.在这些事情没有做完之前,我们真的不能安排其他计划。

8.An ass lade with gold will go pghtly uphill.驮金的驴子上山不费力。

9.There is absolutely no concern over the Chinese ship that's keel was lade 25 years ago. Not even a good training ship in today's world.更本没有必要为此担心,该航母的龙骨是25年前建的,在当今世界该航母也称不上什么好的训练舰只。

10.Forecast of Water Quapty Improvement of the Southwest Lade Area after the East Lake Sewage Intercepting Project东湖截污工程对改善西南湖区水质的预测研究