




1.佐藤 Combi / 康贝 sato/ 佐藤制药 Manjohnsong/ 美赞臣 ...

3.日本佐腾 德国 GMC 日本佐藤 SATO 台湾 PICOTEST ...

5.琢磨 关键词:佐滕 标价机 发布日期:201…


1.Like a growing number of young couples, Nathan Shaw and Maiko Sato met at the office, in a Cisco Systems training program for new recruits.和越来越多的年轻夫妇一样,内森•肖尔和佐藤麻衣子也是在办公室相识的,他们初次相遇在思科系统为新员工举行的培训项目中。

2.However, Mr Sato said he did not think it was necessary to further regulate banks' shareholdings.但佐藤隆文表示,他认为没有必要对银行的股权施行进一步监管。

3."I feel there are a lot of Chinese competitors which are going to be big threats for us in a few years' time, " Mr Sato said.他说:“我觉得,未来几年,很多中国竞争对手将对我们构成巨大威胁。”

4."It would become even easier to use if there were more of them and if they were placed near the train station, " Sato said.佐都说:“如果有更多这种吸烟车,并且能够设在火车站附近,用起来就更方便了。”

5.Sato was unable to stay in the top ten in the race, dropping down to 12th after struggpng with the balance of his car.在正赛中佐藤没能保持前十的位置,在比赛中他的赛车平衡有一些问题,他最终以第12名完赛。

6."It was a scene from hell, " Mr. Sato, 59, said, his eyes red with tears. "It was beyond anything that we could have imagined. "59岁的佐藤先生,红着眼睛,留着泪说:“场景跟地狱一般。超过了我们所有的想象。”

7.'I'll be OK with the status quo if it stays this way, but I'm really worried about how things are developing, ' said Ms. Sato.她说:如果能维持现状,对我来说也还算不错。不过我确实很担心,不知道事态会怎样发展。

8.Kenji Sato, an attendant of 12 years, recited apologies, trying to soothe people.12岁的小员工佐藤建司(KenjiSato),连声致歉,希望安抚民众。

9.Mayor Jin Sato survived only by cpnging to a raipng on the roof of the town hall as the torrent carried off dozens of colleagues.海啸的急流冲走了市政厅内几十名公务员,町长佐藤仁(JinSato)靠抓紧屋顶上的一道护栏,才死里逃生。

10.Sato: They are sent to the imaging engine (digital imaging processor), at the entrance to which they are converted into digital signals.佐藤:它们被发送到图像引擎(数字图像处理器),在进入图像引擎之前它们首先被转换成数字信号。