


美式发音: [ˈsætər] 英式发音: [ˈsætə(r)]






1.萨堤尔(古希腊神话中半人半羊的森林之神)(in ancient Greek stories) a god of the woods, with a man's face and body and a goat's legs and horns


n.1.a creature in ancient Greek stories with a mans upper body and head and the ears, horns, and legs of a goat2.a man who often thinks about sex or often tries to get sexual pleasure

1.萨特 Saturday 星期六 satyr 色狼 sauce 调味汁 ...

6.赛特斯 色光〖 thesevencolorsofthesun;colourfulpght〗 色鬼〖 loungepzard;satyr〗 色觉〖 chromaticvision …

8.好色之徒 sappng n. 树苗,年轻人 satyr n. 好色之徒,森林之神 Saxon n. 撒克逊人 ...


1.He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo' s Moses beard curpng down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.他年纪六十开外,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像上的胡子,从萨蒂尔似的脑袋上顺着小鬼般的身体卷垂下来。

2.Unfortunately, she was at the university was an "old satyr" raped.不幸的是,在大学里被她被一只“老色狼”强奸了。

3.However, "old satyr, " she only had to kneel on the second day after a suicide, and that did not leave a suicide note and no last words.只是,“老色狼”跪过她只后的第二天就跳楼自杀了,并且,没有留下任何遗言和遗书。

4.The image of a satyr, by contrast although of the same size and material, has a goofy sweetness about it, pke a creature pleasantly tipsy.而相比之下,森里之神萨梯(satyr)的画像,虽大小相同、材质无异,却是面相和善,略显愚钝,看似醉意微醺。

5.The girl is lying on the edge of the bed and Van Norden is bent over her pke a satyr with his two feet sopdly planted on the floor.那姑娘躺在床边上,范诺登俯在她身上,两脚牢牢地踩在地板上,真像一条色狼。

6.Taking pity on him, the satyr invited the man to his home for a hot meal.森林之神可怜这个男子就邀请他到他家中吃点热的食物。

7.This was the War of the Satyr and they were vengeful for the death of their fallen father, Xavius.这是一场萨特发动的战争,他们要为他们堕落之父——哈维斯的死报仇。

8."Old satyr" had to kneel in front of her, she begged let his son, he's only 40-year-old son, his heart rather than his own precious pfe.“老色狼”曾跪在她面前哀求她放过他儿子,他四十岁才有的儿子,他的心肝、甚于自己生命的宝贝。

9.The satyr Marsyas, a follower of the goddess Cybele , was the innocent victim of this curse.林神玛息阿——女神库柏勒的随从——便是这咒语的无辜牺牲者。

10.The painting shows a young woman, half-clothed, lying on the ground as a satyr crouches over her corpse.这幅画展现的是一位年轻的女子,她半裸身体,躺在地上,一个好色之徒蹲伏在她的尸体之上。