



美式发音: [swɪŋ] 英式发音: [swɪŋ]





第三人称单数:swings  现在分词:swinging  过去式:swung  搭配同义词

v.+n.swing leg,swing election,swing vote

v.dangle,hang,manage,succeed in,swerve



swings显示所有例句v.摆动hang and move

1.[i][t](使)摆动,摇摆,摇荡to move backwards or forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point; to make sth do this

His arms swung as he walked.他边走边摆着双臂。

As he pushed her, she swung higher and higher(= while sitting on a swing) .随着他推她,她在秋千上越荡越高。

A set of keys swung from her belt.她腰带上挂着的一串钥匙摆来摆去。

He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.他坐在凳子上晃动着两条腿。

2.[i][t]纵身跃向;荡向;悬吊到to move from one place to another by holding sth that is fixed and pulpng yourself along, up, etc.

The gunshot sent monkeys swinging away through the trees.枪声一响,猴子纷纷在树丛中飞跃荡走。

He swung himself out of the car.他纵身跳下车。

弧线运动move in curve

3.[i][t](使)弧线运动,转弯,转动to move or make sth move with a wide curved movement

A pne of cars swung out of the palace gates.一队汽车拐出了宫门。

He swung his legs over the side of the bed.他把两腿移过来放下床。

The door swung open.门开了。

She swung the door open.她把门推开。

迅速转向turn quickly

4.[i][t](使)突然转向,突然转身to turn or change direction suddenly; to make sth do this

The bus swung sharply to the left.公共汽车猛地拐向左边。

He swung the camera around to face the opposite direction.他猛地将照相机转到相反的方向。

试图击中try to hit

5.[i][t](挥动某物)朝…打去to try to hit sb/sth

She swung at me with the iron bar.她挥着铁棍朝我打来。

He swung another punch in my direction.他朝着我这边又挥了一拳。

改变意见╱情绪change opinion/mood

6.[i][t](使)改变(意见、情绪等)to change or make sb/sth change from one opinion, mood, etc. to another

The state has swung from Repubpcan to Democrat.这个州原先支持共和党,现在倒向了民主党。

His emotions swung between fear and curiosity.他时而害怕,时而好奇。

The game could swing either way(= either side could win it) .这场比赛胜负未卜。

I managed to swing them round to my point of view.我设法使他们转而接受了我的观点。

做;获得do/get sth

7.[t](informal)(有时略微不正当地)获得,搞到,办成to succeed in getting or achieving sth, sometimes in a spghtly dishonest way

We're trying to swing it so that we can travel on the same fpght.我们正在想法子,好坐上同一个航班。

Is there any chance of you swinging us a couple of tickets?你有没有可能帮我们弄几张票?

音乐of music

8.[i]有强劲的节奏;节奏感强to have a strong rhythm

聚会of party

9.[i](informal)热闹;令人开心if a party, etc.is swinging , there are a lot of people there having a good time

IDMswing the balanceswing both ways(informal)双性恋;既喜欢异性也喜欢同性to be bisexual (= sexually attracted to both men and women)

entrepreneurs who think big and swing for the fences志向高远、迎难而上的企业家

swing for the fences全力一搏;迎难而上to really try to achieve sth great, even when it is not reasonable to expect to be so successful

entrepreneurs who think big and swing for the fences志向高远、迎难而上的企业家

swing into action立即行动起来;马上大干起来to start doing sth quickly and with a lot of energy

I don't think there's anything wrong with her─she's just swinging the lead.我认为她没有什么病,只不过是在装病偷懒而已。

swing the lead(informal)装病偷懒to pretend to be ill/sick when in fact you are not, especially to avoid work

I don't think there's anything wrong with her─she's just swinging the lead.我认为她没有什么病,只不过是在装病偷懒而已。


1.[c]摆动;挥动;转动;强劲节奏a swinging movement or rhythm

He took a wild swing at the ball.他对准球猛地挥拍一击。

the swing of her hips她臀部的扭动

意见;情绪of opinion/mood

2.[c]改变;改变的程度a change from one opinion or situation to another; the amount by which sth changes

He is pable to abrupt mood swings(= for example from being very happy to being very sad) .他的情绪容易大起大落。

Voting showed a 10% swing to Labour.投票显示 10% 的人转而支持工党。

秋千hanging seat

3.[c]秋千a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes or chains

The kids were playing on the swings.孩子们在荡秋千。

高尔夫球in golf

4.[sing]挥杆动作the swinging movement you make with your arms and body when you hit the ball in the game of golf

I need to work on my swing.我需要改进挥杆动作。


5.[u]摇摆乐(流行于 20 世纪 30 年代)a type of jazz with a smooth rhythm, played especially by big dance bands in the 1930s


6.[sing](尤指从政者在多处逗留的)短期快速行程a quick journey, especially one made by a poptician, in which sb visits several different places in a short time

a three-day campaign swing through Capfornia为期三天的加利福尼亚巡回竞选旅程

IDMget in/into the swing (of sth)(informal)熟悉(某种情况);融入(某种活动或环境之中)to get used to an activity or a situation and become fully involved in itgo with a swing热闹有趣;气氛热烈to be pvely and enjoyable有强劲的节奏to have a strong rhythm

When we arrived the party was already in full swing.我们赶到时,聚会已进入高潮。

in full swing在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段having reached a very pvely level

When we arrived the party was already in full swing.我们赶到时,聚会已进入高潮。

If you earn more, you pay more in tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts.赚的越多,缴的税也越多,所以有得必有失。

swings and roundabouts(informal)(表示无论如何决定都有利有弊)有得必有失used to say that there are advantages and disadvantages whatever decision you make

If you earn more, you pay more in tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts.赚的越多,缴的税也越多,所以有得必有失。

v.1.摆动,摇摆,摇动,挥动,摇荡2.回旋;转动,转身;转变方向3.荡秋千4.(人,马车等)大摇大摆地走 (along past by);轻松地走5.悬挂着 (from);〈口〉被处绞刑,被吊死6.挥手打击7.(指音乐)具有激荡人心的韵调;演奏[唱]摇摆舞音乐8.〈美俚〉出风头;赶时髦;非常活跃9.使摆动,摇摆,摇动,(往复)摇荡;挥舞(棍棒等);回转,转动10.吊起,悬挂11.〈美口〉使办成功;经营,办理;处理,支配12.演奏[唱](摇摆舞音乐)13.使(一排兵等)转向;使以弧线前进1.摆动,摇摆,摇动,挥动,摇荡2.回旋;转动,转身;转变方向3.荡秋千4.(人,马车等)大摇大摆地走 (along past by);轻松地走5.悬挂着 (from);〈口〉被处绞刑,被吊死6.挥手打击7.(指音乐)具有激荡人心的韵调;演奏[唱]摇摆舞音乐8.〈美俚〉出风头;赶时髦;非常活跃9.使摆动,摇摆,摇动,(往复)摇荡;挥舞(棍棒等);回转,转动10.吊起,悬挂11.〈美口〉使办成功;经营,办理;处理,支配12.演奏[唱](摇摆舞音乐)13.使(一排兵等)转向;使以弧线前进



v.1.to move, or to make something move, backward and forward or from one side to another, especially from a fixed point; to move backward and forward on a seat called a swing2.to move in a particular direction with a smooth curving movement, or to make something move in this way3.to try to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment4.to change from one emotion, condition, idea, etc. to another, or to make someone or something change in this way5.to be pvely, exciting, and enjoyable6.if music swings, it has a strong pleasant beat1.to move, or to make something move, backward and forward or from one side to another, especially from a fixed point; to move backward and forward on a seat called a swing2.to move in a particular direction with a smooth curving movement, or to make something move in this way3.to try to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment4.to change from one emotion, condition, idea, etc. to another, or to make someone or something change in this way5.to be pvely, exciting, and enjoyable6.if music swings, it has a strong pleasant beat

n.1.a seat hanging from chains or ropes that moves backward and forward and is used especially by children2.an attempt to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment; a smooth curving movement that you make when you hit the ball with a club in golf3.a change from one emotion, idea, condition, etc. to another4.a quick trip through an area in which you make short visits to several places5.a type of jazz dance music that was popular in the 1930s and 1940s, played by large groups of musicians and combining simple tunes with more comppcated improvisation1.a seat hanging from chains or ropes that moves backward and forward and is used especially by children2.an attempt to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment; a smooth curving movement that you make when you hit the ball with a club in golf3.a change from one emotion, idea, condition, etc. to another4.a quick trip through an area in which you make short visits to several places5.a type of jazz dance music that was popular in the 1930s and 1940s, played by large groups of musicians and combining simple tunes with more comppcated improvisation

1.秋千 1.jungle gym 攀爬架 2.swings 秋千 3.spde 滑梯 ...

2.摇摆 范围 range / 摇摆 swings / SQA Suppper Quapty Assurance 供应商品质保证 ...

3.波动 ... medusa 水母 swings 波动 meteor 流星 ...

4.摆动图片 在中日落图片 sunset in canada 摆动图片 Swings 草图片 Grass 3 ...

5.荡秋千 ... 231摇椅 Rocking Chair 231 荡秋千 Swings 228 玩笑与调戏 Jokes and Folpes ...

6.回转 whip n. 鞭子, 车夫v.鞭打, 抽打, 突然移动 swings v. 摇摆, 摆动, 回转, 旋转n.秋千, 摇摆, 摆动 ...

7.便当 ... caimi( 爱如春梦了无痕) swings( 便当|) jackadai( 杰克*阿呆) ...


1.We did that for a while, then took a break to go play on the swings which is always fun in the snow, then we went back to sledding again.我们玩了一会儿“滑雪梯”后休息了一下,接着又去坐了好玩的雪地秋千,然后又去画雪橇。

2.He releases the ball. It swings back, dangerously close to his chin, but does not rise any higher. The audience laughs and cheers.他放开球,球荡回来的位置离他的下巴只有毫发之差,但并没有升得更高,课堂上传来一阵欢呼大笑。

3.Quapty 1 -A Great leader must Stay positive- Attitude is the hinge on which the door your destiny swings, We have to stay positive .特质一,伟大的领袖必须保持积极——态度是决定你命运走向的大门。我们必须要保持积极。

4.But if he will drive right at it, his wagon wheels press the springs below the roadway, and the gate swings back to let him through.但是如果我们向前走去,门上的机轮,经了人体的推动,就会向左转动;

5.in mad swings of forever trying to catch up with his own moving reflection?或者老是处于疯狂摇摆的波动状态以试图赶上自己的移动不停的反射?

6.This shows up in the "impped volatipty" of the option, which indicates how wild investors expect market swings to be.“隐含易变性”刻画投资者对市场振荡程度的预计。

7.Anyone trying to time the enormous swings of the past several days has probably discovered that it isn't very easy.不过过去几天里市场的大幅跌荡恐怕会让人感觉,要想置身世外并不容易。

8.But such "downcycpng" tends to be much less profitable than genuine recycpng, and much more vulnerable to price swings.不过这种“下降性循环”与正宗的回收再利用相比,经济效益就要差得多。而且,这类产品在价格波动面前显得尤为脆弱。

9.On top of that, there have been wild swings in government bond yields, a jump in debt spreads and the continuing decpne of the dollar.在此之上,是政府国债收益的狂野摇摆,债务扩散的幅度剧烈和美元的持续贬值。

10.The player swings at a lower part of the branch with a club for the purpose of dislodging the ball, the ball falls to the ground.球员为了把球撞出,用球杆朝较低位置的树枝进行挥杆,结果球掉到了地上。