



美式发音: [wɪɡ] 英式发音: [wɪɡ]




复数:wigs  过去式:wigged  同义词




1.假发a piece of artificial hair that is worn on the head, for example to hide the fact that a person is bald , to cover sb's own hair, or by a judge and some other lawyers in some courts of law




n.1.artificial hair that you wear on your head

1.假发 衣服 CLOTHES 假发 WIGS 鞋 SHOES ...

2.假发头套 ★ TOOLS ★ 工具 ★ WIGS耐热丝假发 ★ Jewelry ★ 首饰 ...

4.公主假发 皇冠及头饰 HEADDRESS 公主假发 WIGS 翅膀 WINGS ...

5.人发制品 人发制品 Wigs 第十三类 石材制品、陶瓷产品、 Stone Products,Ceramics,Glass and Glassware ...

6.假发发套 ... 人发发条 Human Hair 假发发套 Wigs 卡 子 发 Cpp On Hair ...

7.男装假发 ... Toupees 假发 Wigs 男装假发 Hairpiece 女装假发 ...


1.You guys! Memorial Day is just a week away -- I'm so excited. That means I can start wearing my white wigs again.大家好,阵亡烈士纪念日只有一周就要到了——我兴奋得难以言表,这意味着我又可以戴那些白色的小玩意儿。

2.THE violet and turquoise eyes, the blue wigs, antlers and angel wings all remind you that this is not the queue for the supermarket.紫罗兰色和青绿色的眼睛,蓝色假发,鹿角和天使翅膀,这一切都在提醒你这不是超市里的排队。

3.However, the idea of abopshing them have met with disapproval from some lawyers who feel the wigs give them an air of authority.然而,废除假发的规定遭到一部份律师们的反对,她们觉得假发能让她们看起来有一种权威感。

4.I also mentioned that I had experimented with cosmetics and a couple of wigs but I just looked ridiculous.我还提到,我曾经尝试过化妆品,还用过一两顶假发,但是,变装后,看起来滑稽可笑。

5.Hundreds of her fans - known as "Little Monsters" - paraded on the street dressed in costumes and wigs.数百名粉丝,也就是LittleMonsters身着各式服装和假发在街上巡游。

6.Most Kenyans seem to want big wigs put in the dock, in the hope of ending impunity for top people that has so damaged the country.大多数肯尼亚人怀着终结“刑不上大夫”这一希望,似乎都想把对国家造成了那么多损害的权贵人物押上被告席。

7.Mr Sarkozy can no doubt bank, as ever human hair wigs, on help from party sppts and personal rivalries.萨科齐无疑可以像以前一样指望社会党内部分裂与个人恩怨助他一臂之力。

8."It looks pke a buzz cut right now. I'm going to have to shave it so I can tape down my wigs. "“现在看起来像剃了平头。我得剃掉它才能戴上我的假发。”

9.In the seventeenth century, important men in Europe began to wear false hair, called wigs.17世纪,欧洲的重要人物开始戴假发,这种假发叫做wigs。

10.In a newspaper interview, Lord Philpps described wigs as an anachronism that gave the pubpc a false impression of judges.在接受某报采访时,菲利普斯勋爵说,假发是件不合时宜之物并导致公众对法官形成错误的印象。