




1.奥卡多 ... 杨梅 strawberrytreeredbayberry 油梨 ocado 板栗 chestnutChinesechestnut ...

4.凯多上周英国商界大新闻之一,就是英国超市集团莫里森(Morrisons),将启用奥凯多Ocado)的网络购物系统。这个消息,让 …

5.牛油果( f" S( L$ O' x/ Q紫菜皮,米饭(最好是短米,有黏性),寿司醋,牛油果(ocado), 2 h$ z6 p' b! I9 S \, I三文鱼(Salmon),青椒, …


1.In this it has plenty of company. Most of its main British rivals are also thought to be unprofitable, though hard data are scarce.像Ocado这样的网络杂货商在英国还有很多,尽管缺乏第一手的数据,但大多数公司都被认为是不盈利的。

2.However, Ocado claims that an independent audit has shown "each depvery now has a lower carbon footprint than walking to a supermarket" .但Ocado声明说独立审计已证明“每次送货都能比自己去超市降低碳排放量”。

3.Will Waitrose and John Lewis suffer a dip in their benevolent reputations if they are seen to be bullying Ocado?如果Waitrose和JohnLewis被大家认为是在“欺负”Ocado,那么它们那与人为善的名声是否会因此受损?

4.Waitrose's internet arm has begun competing against Ocado, its long-time partner, in the lucrative London market.Waitrose旗下的网上购物公司,已开始与母公司的长期合作伙伴Ocado在利润丰厚的伦敦市场展开竞争。

5.And Ocado needs to get those groceries depvered on time.Ocado需要把商品按时送到。