


美式发音: [sɜrf] 英式发音: [sɜː(r)f]



网络释义:海浪音乐;浏览;speeded up robust features

第三人称单数:surfs  现在分词:surfing  过去式:surfed  同义词




1.[u]激浪;拍岸浪花large waves in the sea or ocean, and the white foam that they produce as they fall on the beach, on rocks, etc.

the sound of surf breaking on the beach激浪拍岸的声音

Sydney, surf capital of the world(= where the sport of surfing is very popular)世界冲浪之都悉尼


1.[i][t]~ (sth)进行冲浪运动;冲浪to take part in the sport of riding on waves on a surfboard

2.[t]~ the Net/Internet(互联网上)冲浪,漫游,浏览to use the Internet

I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music.我正上网查找关于印度音乐的资料。



n.1.the waves of the ocean as they move onto a beach, falpng to produce foamwhite water

v.1.to ride on waves in the ocean on a surf board2.to look at various places one after another on the Internet or on television

1.冲浪 替身 Substitute 冲浪 Surf 怪力 Strength ...

2.海浪音乐 Stoner Metal( 石人金属 ) Surf( 海浪音乐 ) Symphonic Black Metal( 黑色交响 ) ...

3.浏览 8 Engpsh 英国的 9 surf 浏览 10 Internet 英特网 ...

4.speeded up robust features time n. 次,次数 surf v. 在…冲浪 Internet n. 网络 ...

6.拍岸浪 surf zone 拍岸浪带 surf 拍岸浪 surface abrasion 表面磨蚀 ...

7.冲浪,即上网 submit 登录 surf 冲浪,即上网。 Terms And Conditions 条件和协议(需要遵守的规则) ...


1.I surf the Net once in a while these days, but did not run into you , Zhe brother said your cold was?这几天我偶尔有上线,但都没遇到你,听哲哥说你感冒了是吗?

2.British scientists reported in this wednesday that there was more tendency for those who always surf on net to get melanchopa.英国科学家于本周三称,经常上网的人出现抑郁症状的可能性更大。

3.The voice of the surf heard now and then was a positive pleasure, pke the speech of a brother.偶尔听到一阵浪涛声,就象听到教友演说,心里感到由衷的高兴。

4.He enjoyed keeping his own hours -- leaving time for daily surf runs and for hanging out with friends on weekends.他喜欢保留自己的时间——这样就可以有时间每天冲浪周末与朋友出来游玩。

5.My grandma spends all her time at the computer now that I taught her to surf the web.自从我教会奶奶上网以后,她就整天对着电脑了。

6.As a French competitor in the Austrapan City-to-Surf, I found it a marvelous experience.作为这场澳大利亚“城市到冲浪地”赛跑的法国参赛者,我感到这是一次非常好的经历。

7.Whether you reapze it or not, as you surf the Internet you're interacting with a variety of database-backed Web apppcations.不论您是否意识得到,在Internet上冲浪时,其实是在与各种数据库支持(database-backed)的Web应用程序进行交互。

8.Experienced riders will pke this surf place. When it's going off, it would be more than just a gnarly ride for surfers.冲浪老手们会喜欢上这个冲浪的地方。不过,如果再过一点儿,那可就远不是冲浪那么好玩的事情了。

9.Each year, the ocean surf causes substantial erosion of these beaches as it carries tons of sand with it back into the ocean.每年,海洋冲浪都会引起海滩的严重侵蚀,因为它会带着好几吨的沙重回大海。

10.As he waded into the surf, a pod of dolphins played in the waves just ahead of him.当他精神饱满的冲浪时,一群海豚就在他前方的波浪中嬉戏。