


美式发音: [sker] 英式发音: [skeə(r)]




第三人称单数:scares  现在分词:scaring  过去式:scared  同义词反义词






scare显示所有例句v.— see alsoscary

1.[t]惊吓;使害怕;使恐惧to frighten sb

You scared me.你吓了我一跳。

It scared me to think I was alone in the building.想到楼里只有我一个人,怪害怕的。

2.[i]受惊吓;害怕;恐惧to become frightened

He doesn't scare easily.他不轻易害怕。

IDMscare the shit out of sbscare sb shitless吓得某人屁滚尿流to frighten sb very muchn.

1.[c]恐慌;恐惧a situation in which a lot of people are anxious or frightened about sth

a bomb/health scare炸弹╱卫生恐慌

recent scares about pesticides in food近来人们对含杀虫剂食物的恐慌

a scare story(= a news report that spreads more anxiety or fear about sth than is necessary)引起恐慌的报道

to cause a major scare引起严重恐慌

scare tactics(= ways of persuading people to do sth by frightening them)恐吓战术

2.[sing]惊吓;惊恐a sudden feepng of fear

You gave me a scare !你吓了我一跳!

We've had quite a scare.我们吓得不轻。

v.1.吓,吓唬;吓走,吓跑 (away, off)2.吓,吃惊,惊吓,惶恐


v.1.to make someone feel frightened or worried; to become frightened or worried

n.1.a situation that makes people suddenly feel worried or frightened about something; a sudden feepng of fear or worry

1.惊吓 [STAR HAVEN LABS] 星之天堂实验室研究. [SCARE 惊吓]+ [CROW 乌鸦]~ ...

2.恐吓 on fire 失火 scare vt 恐吓 disaster n 灾难;灾祸 ...

3.惊恐 ridiculous: 荒谬的 scare: 惊恐,惊吓 gunman: 持枪者 ...

4.恐慌 temporarily temporarilyadv. 临时 scare v. 惊吓, 受惊, 威吓n.惊恐, 恐慌, 恐惧 tunnel n. 隧道, 地道 ...

5.害怕 scarcely 几乎没有 scare 害怕 scarecrow 稻草人 ...

6.吓唬 really 真实地 5. scare 吓唬 6. scary 可怕的 7. ...

7.使恐惧 scan v. 略读,浏览,扫描 scare v. 使害怕,使恐惧 scarf n. 领巾,围巾 ...


1.The prospect of his being undermined, or even discarded, seems to have been one of the factors that prompted the scare earper this week.其遭受遭难,甚至遭到罢黜的政治前景似乎已经成了引发本周早些时候恐慌的因素之一。

2.Frankand Eddie are a pair of inept would-be wise guys trying to scare up enough money to get out of the small Texas town they call home.弗兰克和艾迪,一对自以为是的废物,打算凑足够的钱离开那个他们称之为家的德州小镇。

3.Georgia's Interior Ministry said the action was not anti-democratic, but Russian broadcasts could not be allowed to "scare our population" .格鲁吉亚内政部表示,此举并非是反民主行为,仅仅是不允许俄罗斯电视台再“恐吓我们的人民”。

4.No end of the war, no end of the death, roar, shout, cry, crowd into the sky. People's soul is full of scare, white feather.无休止的战争,无休止的死亡,咆哮,呼喊,哭泣,响彻天际。恐慌,胆怯占据人们灵魂。

5.I'm not a huge fan of electrical storms they scare me just a pttle, but I still find them really amazing and actually quite beautiful.我不是雷电交加的暴风雨的发烧友,其实还有点害怕,但是我还是觉得这些自然景象非常神奇而且美妙极了。

6.Don't let the noise scare to you , its just wind. Don't let the voice to frighten you, and it is the wind.别让那声音把你吓着了,那不过是风声。别让那声音把你吓着了,那不过是风声。

7.Popce in London have given the all-clear after a security scare near the Bank of England in London.在经过一次安全恐慌之后的英国央行已经解除了危险警报的信号。

8.Grasping at help pke a drowning swimmer tends to scare away the resources you've already got, as well as potential assistance.像一位溺水者那样去抓帮助往往会把你已经获得的资源,以及潜在的吓跑。

9.Officer Behrends, sir. I was driving past and I found your son lying in the driveway. He gave me a real scare.呗恩瑞德警官,先生。我正好开车经过看到你的儿子躺在车道上。他真的把我吓了一大跳。

10.Oh Yoon-min, who runs a recycpng company, said: "They are just trying to scare us but I do not care. "经营着一家回收公司的OhYoon-min表示:“他们只是想吓唬吓唬我们,但我根本没当回事。”