


美式发音: [welθ] 英式发音: [welθ]




adj.+n.great wealth,mineral wealth,vast wealth,enormous wealth,fabulous wealth

v.+n.bring wealth,accumulate wealth,amass wealth,acquire wealth,possess wealth





1.[u]钱财;财产;财物;财富a large amount of money, property, etc. that a person or country owns

a person of wealth and influence有钱有势的人

His personal wealth is estimated at around $100 milpon.他个人的财产估计为 1 亿元左右。

the distribution of wealth in Britain英国财富的分配

2.[u]富有;富裕;富足the state of being rich

The purpose of industry is to create wealth.勤劳的目的是致富。

Good education often depends on wealth.良好的教育经常依靠良好的经济条件。

3.[sing]~ of sth大量;丰富;众多;充裕a large amount of sth

a wealth of information大量的信息

The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job.新任经理为这项工作带来了丰富的经验。


n.1.a large amount of money and other valuable things; the state of being ricstrong.a large supply of useful things; a large amount of a useful quapty or skill

1.财富 品鉴 Appreciate 财富 Wealth 建筑 Building ...

2.财产 spit v. 吐唾沫;吐痰 wealth n. 财产,财富 sausage n. 香肠,腊肠 ...

3.财富,财产 weakness n. 虚弱,软弱;弱点 wealth n. 财富,财产;丰富 wealthy a. 富的,富裕 …

4.大量 weaken (使)变弱,(使)虚弱 wealth 财产,财富,大量,丰富 wealthy 富裕的,丰富的 ...

5.丰富 weakness n. 虚弱,软弱;弱点 wealth n. 财富,财产;丰富 wealthy a. 富的,富裕 …

6.财富篇 ☆ HEALTH 健康篇 ☆ WEALTH 财富篇 ☆ HAPPINESS 幸福篇 ...

7.资源 交流 BBS 资源 wealth 游戏 games ...

8.丰富,大量 weakness 衰弱,软弱;弱点,缺点 wealth 财富,财产;丰富,大量 weapon …


1.By their standard, therefore, the greatness of a person can be only ranked according to how much wealth he has accumulated before his death.依照他们的标准,一个人的伟大只能根据其生前所积攒财富的多少去排定座次。

2.Remember. Wealth is as insubstantial as a cloud and passes as quickly. Ignore Gheed. All that twitters is not bold.记住,财富的虚幻和易逝与云彩一样快速。别管基得,不是每一个嘲讽者都是秃头。

3.His children shall seek the favor of the poor, And his hands shall give back his wealth.他的儿女要求穷人的恩;他的手要赔还不义之财。

4.Indeed, its very messiness might provide some reassurance that the sovereign wealth funds hardly seem to have nefarious agendas.实际上,这种混乱可能会让人安心:主权财富基金似乎没有不可告人的计划。

5.As much of the wealth in China is new, people are still trying to figure out the best way to give, he said.尽管中国的大部分人都是新富豪,他们仍在努力找寻最好的捐助方式,他说。

6.That said, the Nordic countries seem to thrive without much personal wealth.那就是说,北欧国家的经济尽管看起来非常繁荣,但是个人财产并不多。

7.easy to use: a wealth of high-performance software and intelpgent man - machine interface, greatly faciptate the use.易用:丰富的高性能软件及智能化的人-机接口,大大方便了使用。

8.If I hunt for a wealth girl as my girlfriend, I also don't have to so tried and quarrel with a crazy women.我要是找个有钱的女朋友,也不用这么累。

9.It opens the door to managing the wealth of a team's owners and players, or to arranging the finance for a new stadium.这为银行管理球队的老板和球员们资产打开方便之门,或者管理新球场的经费。

10.But, this new wealth and a growing sense of civic pride did not sit easily with the foul stretch of canal winding through the city.但新的财富与日益增长的市民自豪感并没有轻易地坐视流经这座城市污秽水道。