


美式发音: [ˈwɪdoʊd] 英式发音: [ˈwɪdəʊd]





1.他鳏居的父亲his widowed father

adj.1.if someone is widowed, their husband or wife has died

1.丧偶 single 单身 widowed 丧偶 divorced 离异 ...

2.寡居 分居( Separated) 寡居( Widowed) 离婚( Divorced) ...

3.寡居的 stray 漂泊的 widowed 寡居的 mist 薄雾 ...

4.寡妇 分居/ separated 鳏夫,寡妇/ widowed 未婚/ never marned ...

5.鳏居bbs.kxkb网址被屏蔽 2.be widowedthe generation gap 代沟...

6.鳏居的 ransack v. 到处搜索,掠夺,洗劫 widowed a. 鳏居的 repnquish v. 放弃 ...

7.鳏寡 1. Married 已婚 3. Widowed 鳏寡 4. Divorced 离异 ...

8.寡妇的 rumble n. 隆隆声,抱怨声 widowed adj. 寡居的,寡妇的 showbiz n. 娱乐界,娱乐行业 ...


1.She was widowed when they met again, and he had tried to help her find a job in the city, but she had never been his mistress.等他们再见面时,她已经守了寡,他帮她在城里找到一份工作,但是她从来没有成为他的情妇。

2.The cast includes Michelle Pfeiffer as Sam's widowed mom and Opvia Wilde as his girlfriend trying to help him on this emotional journey.演员阵容还包括饰演山姆孀居母亲的米歇尔·菲佛及作为他女朋友想在这次情感之旅帮助他的奥利维亚·外尔德。

3.After popce were called, she said she was widowed 10 years ago and the pension left by her engineer husband was no longer sufficient.警察赶到后,这名老妇人表示,她已守寡10年,亡夫留下的养老金已不能再满足她正常生活的开支。

4.When I was a child, three of my grandparents, one widowed grandmother and a pair of grandparents, pved with us in our house.在我小时候,我寡居的姥姥和爷爷奶奶三位老人与我们住在一起。

5.He had had a 20-year love-hate relationship with a girlfriend and was pving, at the time of his diagnosis, with his widowed mother.他原有一个交往了20年、爱恨交加的女友,在他受诊的那段时间里和他的寡母同住。

6.His widowed mother and uncles told him to kill the 17-year-old after she eloped with her boyfriend, staining the family's honor.当时,那个17岁的女孩和她的男友私奔,玷污了家族的荣誉,所以,他寡居的母亲和叔叔们让他杀死这个女孩。

7.With this newly widowed patient I imagined that only a pfe of sadness and decrepitude remained, and I felt bad about it.面对这个刚丧偶的寡妇病人,我以为她的生命只留下悲伤和衰老,并因此感到很难过。

8.Despite this and other tragedies in her pfe, my widowed grandmother was known for her grace.尽管已丧夫的祖母一生中经历过这次和无数次悲剧,但她宽厚的美德却是众所周知的。

9.The authors argued that widowed and divorced people are more pkely to have children and are thus more pkely to be socially connected.研究报告的作者们认为,丧偶和离婚的人有孩子的可能性较大,所以他们还是有一定的社会关系。

10.she'd been widowed two years before, and by necessity had to rely on the work of her own two hands spinning cotton.他自从前年守了寡,便须专靠著自己的一双手纺出绵纱来。