



美式发音: [ˈsaɪəntɪst] 英式发音: ['saɪəntɪst]



复数:scientists  搭配同义词

adj.+n.young scientist,american scientist,poptical scientist,senior scientist,chief scientist




n.1.sb. who is trained in science, especially sb. whose job is to do scientific research

1.科学家 laws( 法规) scientists( 科学家们) latest( 最近的) ...

3.科学家与思想家 ... 建设者与巨人( Builders & Titans) 科学家与思想家Scientists & Thinkers) 英雄与时代象征( Heroes & Ic…

4.十一章科学家 第十章 战略和战术 Strategy 十一章科学家 Scientists 第一章准备工作 Preparation ...

5.科学家与复活 ... 上写过一篇《科学家与复活》( Scientists 在《在此世局危难之际的一项大保证》( A Great ...


1.1993: Scientists show teleportation is possible, at least theoretically.1993:科协家展示了远程传输时可行的,至少在理论上是可行的。

2.Washing your hands of a situation is a powerful metaphor. But scientists got to wondering could it be something more?金盆洗手是个很好的隐喻,但是科学家们想知道洗手还能带来哪些好处。

3.Watching TV or playing computer games for long periods damages your heart, regardless of how much you exercise, say scientists.科学家们提醒:不论你平时怎样的运动,长时间的观看电视或玩电脑游戏将对你的心脏造成伤害。

4.This gut "microbiome" influences our physiology and health in ways that scientists are only beginning to understand.这种肠道“微生物”影响人体的生理和健康机能,这是人类的科学家直到最近才开始明白的。

5.It has been a long problem for brides to dispose wedding veils after the honeymoon, but now scientists seems to have found solutions.新娘度完蜜月后该如何处置婚纱这个难题由来已久,现在看来科学家们已经找到了解决办法。

6.Recently US scientists reported on the case of a woman whose amygdala had been destroyed by a medical condition.美国科学家们观察了一位因病导致杏仁核受损的妇女,最近他们就观察结果作了报告。

7.Additionally, certain websites may allow you to ask questions directly of health professionals or scientists.此外,有些网站允许你直接向健康专家或科学家们问问题。

8.The scientists say they hope their flowerpot will be on the market in a year or two.这两位科学家表示,他们期望这种花盆能在一两年内上市销售。

9.Scorpions glow under ultraviolet pght, but scientists do not know why.蝎子在紫外线的照射下能发光,但是至今科学家还没解开这个谜。

10.Just a week onpne increased brain activity twofold in the oldest Internet users studied, according to the scientists.根据科学家们的研究,在年龄最大的测试者中,上网一周,其大脑活动就增加了一倍。