



美式发音: [skræp] 英式发音: [skræp]




复数:scraps  过去式:scrapped  现在分词:scrapping  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.scrap plan,scrap project,decision scrap


v.adopt,make up


v.cancel,abandon,get rid of,ditch,argue


scraps显示所有例句n.— see alsoscrappy

1.[c]碎片,小块(纸、布匹等)a small piece of sth, especially paper, cloth, etc.

She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper.她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。

scraps of information零星消息

She was just a scrap of a thing(= small and thin) .她是个不起眼的小东西。

2.[sing]丝毫;一丁点a small amount of sth

It won't make a scrap of difference .这不会有丝毫的差别。

There's not a scrap of evidence to support his claim.没有丝毫证据支持他的说法。

a barren landscape without a scrap of vegetation寸草不生的贫瘠地带

3.[pl]残羹剩饭food left after a meal

Give the scraps to the dog.把剩菜喂狗吧。

4.[u]废料;废品things that are not wanted or cannot be used for their original purpose, but which have some value for the material they are made of

We sold the car for scrap(= so that any good parts can be used again) .我们把车当废品卖了。

scrap metal废金属

a scrap dealer(= a person who buys and sells scrap )废品商人

5.[c](informal)打架;争吵a short fight or disagreement

He was always getting into scraps at school.他在学校老跟人打架。


1.[t][oftpass]~ sth废弃;取消;抛弃;报废to cancel or get rid of sth that is no longer practical or useful

They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building.他们已被迫撤销了建筑新校舍的计划。

The oldest of the aircraft were scrapped.最老的飞机报废了。

2.[i](informal)打架to fight with sb

The bigger boys started scrapping.年龄较大的男孩打了起来。

n.1.废料2.小片,小块,破片,切剩剪剩的碎片,碎屑,零头3.【冶】碎铁,铁屑4.少许,一点点5.打架 (with) 扭打;争吵;口角6.拳赛7.破烂东西;残羹剩饭8.(报纸剪下的)零杂资料;断片;断简;残篇9.剩余物;油渣;金属渣1.废料2.小片,小块,破片,切剩剪剩的碎片,碎屑,零头3.【冶】碎铁,铁屑4.少许,一点点5.打架 (with) 扭打;争吵;口角6.拳赛7.破烂东西;残羹剩饭8.(报纸剪下的)零杂资料;断片;断简;残篇9.剩余物;油渣;金属渣


n.1.a small piece of something such as paper or cloth; a small piece of something such as information or knowledge; small amounts of food that are left after a meal2.old metal or paper that can be used again after going through a special process3.a small fight or argument4.a very small thin person, often a child1.a small piece of something such as paper or cloth; a small piece of something such as information or knowledge; small amounts of food that are left after a meal2.old metal or paper that can be used again after going through a special process3.a small fight or argument4.a very small thin person, often a child

v.1.to decide not to continue with something such as a plan or an event; to get rid of something2.to take an old machine or vehicle apart and throw away all the parts that cannot be used3.to have a small fight or argument

1.残羹剩饭 bits( 吃剩的东西), scraps残羹剩饭), remnants( 残余物), ...

2.废料 scrapings 刮料 scraps 废坯 scratch 刮线 ...

4.屑 酸雾逸出测试 escaped acid mist test 413 第 11 页 413 碎屑 scraps 414 探针 probe 415 ...

6.下脚 保退类 废品 waste materials 保退类 下脚 scraps 保退类 加工 processing ...


8.厨余 倒掉(剩菜) dump 厨余(不能吃的) scraps 盐巴 salt ...


1.array of dog food and table scraps which were later identified as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that week!残羹剩饭,原来这些都是那个星期斯波蒂每餐吃剩下的食物!

2.The pockets of his greatcoat are filled with scraps of food brought from England, the proof, he says, that the British tried to poison him.他厚厚的大衣口袋里装满了从英格兰带回来的食物残渣,并称之为英国试图毒害他的证据。

3.Eleanor, I used scraps of fabric I found around the ateper, And I adapted one of your old patterns. It's basically your design.埃莉诺,裙子用的是工作室找到的有剩布料,并按照你以前的设计做的。所以,基本来说,是你的设计。

4.Chances are good that the wolves are circpng ahead of you and leaving just the scraps for you to deal with and implement.情况很可能是狼群在您四周环绕,只留下残渣碎片等您去处理和实现。

5.Loose sheets of paper or data recorded on scraps of paper which are to be re copied into a notebook later will not be accepted.用散装的纸张,或是先在任意纸上记录资料,而后再滕写到笔记簿上,都是不被接受的。

6.She was upset the waitress had taken away her dinner plate and with it the scraps of meat she was going to save for her dog.女服务员把她的餐盘连同她为爱狗保留的剩肉一起收走,令她相当不满。

7.I said, briefly and spicily, that it could feed on scraps of doner kebab and would be happy as could be.我简短而辛辣地说,它可以吃到一些肉串渣,要多开心有多开心。

8.superstar David Beckham are cashing in on his visit to New Zealand by trying to sell his food scraps and dirty dishes on the Internet.足球巨星大卫·贝克汉姆曾在新西兰逗留期间吃剩的东西和用过的餐具竟被球迷当成“宝贝”在网上贩卖。

9.He took no further notice of the heaps of scattered scraps of paper on which his pencil writings had been indited.他毫不在意他用铅笔创作出来的那些散乱成堆的纸片上的作品。

10.A nurse's aide gathered his belongings together, threw out a few unimportant scraps of paper, put the rest in a plastic bag.一个护士帮他把遗物收集在一起,扔掉一些无关紧要的纸片,把剩下的东西装在一个塑料袋里。