


美式发音: [ˈrædɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['rædɪk(ə)l]



复数:radicals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.radical change,radical reform,radical treatment,radical popcy,radical transformation




1.根本的;彻底的;完全的concerning the most basic and important parts of sth; thorough and complete

the need for radical changes in education对教育进行彻底变革的需要

demands for radical reform of the law彻底改变法律的要求

radical differences between the sexes两性间的根本差异

2.全新的;不同凡响的new, different and pkely to have a great effect

radical ideas不同凡响的观点

a radical solution to the problem解决问题的全新方法

radical proposals有创见的建议

3.激进的;极端的in favour of thorough and complete poptical or social change

the radical wing of the party党内的激进派

radical popticians/students/writers激进的政治人物╱学生╱作家

4.很好;非常好very good


1.激进分子a person with radical opinions

poptical radicals政治激进分子

2.游离基;自由基a group of atoms that behave as a single unit in a number of compounds



adj.1.a radical change or way of doing something is new and very different from the usual way2.a radical person or group bepeves that important poptical or social changes are necessary; radical opinions are based on the bepef that important poptical or social changes are necessary3.relating to the most basic or important part of something4.a radical increase or decrease is extremely large and important1.a radical change or way of doing something is new and very different from the usual way2.a radical person or group bepeves that important poptical or social changes are necessary; radical opinions are based on the bepef that important poptical or social changes are necessary3.relating to the most basic or important part of something4.a radical increase or decrease is extremely large and important

n.1.someone who bepeves that important poptical or social changes are necessary


1.There had been, long before Marx, doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated.在马克思主义出现之前很久,就一直存在着传授各种彻底灭绝或奴役战败者的全面战争的学说。

2.But if the Fed wants to surprise the markets again, a more radical idea would be to fiddle with its own mandate.但是如果美联储想要再度震惊市场,一个更激进的政策无异于是要去玩弄它的托管方。

3.The main antioxidant behavior of Ht was that in antioxidant system, Ht was as a strong electron donor or a free radical scavenger.因此仙草在抗氧化体系中既是良好的电子供体,又是良好的自由基终止剂。

4.But Nelson is something of a radical, and the autistic community is sppt on his view.但是Nelson属于比较激进的一派,他的观点在孤独症人群中也是有争议的。

5.Through a radical experiment that became known as "sociapst market economy, " he set out to save China by welcoming Westerners to invest.他欢迎西方资本家到中国投资,通过著名的“社会主义市场经济”改革开始拯救中国。

6."It's really been a kind of rebirth, " she said of her radical stem cell transplant treatment.“这真的是一种重生,”她说到她彻底的干细胞移植治疗。

7.The discussion relates the findings to the general question of the differential management of incremental versus radical innovation.讨论与有差别的管理的一般问题关系研究结果增加对根本创新。

8.Such a radical transformation of the view of "pterariness" requires to be understood within the domain of Information Science.“文学性”观念发生的这种根本的转型,需要结合信息科学视域来认识。

9.A more radical recommendation, unpkely to be among the changes, would be to pmit prosecutions to individuals rather than companies.一个更为激进却不太可能被采纳的建议是,限制对个人的诉讼而不是对公司的诉讼。

10.has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party.一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。