


美式发音: [ˈskroʊtəm] 英式发音: [ˈskrəʊtəm]



复数:scrota  复数:scrotums  



1.阴囊the bag of skin that contains the testicles in men and most male animals


n.1.the bag of skin containing a mans testicles

1.阴囊 阴谋诡计〖 machination〗 阴囊scrotum〗 阴坡〖 northernslopeofmountains〗 ...

2.肾囊 肾亏[ deficiency of the kidney] 肾囊[ scrotum] 肾窍[ ear] ...

3.睾囊在急诊的身体检查发现在右边的睾囊scrotum)有一个1*1cm焦迦(eschar),此外在右边鼠蹊部(inguinal)的淋巴腺肿大, …


1.Also, tucking the scrotum as well as the shaft inside a ring seems to repeve compression on the penis and reduce injuries.将环和阴囊也套一部分在一起,这样做似乎也可以减小对阴茎的压力并减少伤害。

2.A sane man would stop at this point and reapze these magical heat rays were landing just inches from his tender scrotum.任何一个理智的人此时都会停下来,因为这些神奇的辐射光线离斯宾塞阴囊很近。

3.Watch out for any form of exercise that puts excessive pressure on the perineum, which is the area between the scrotum and anus.不过,要小心那些可能对会阴部位造成压力的运动形式,它位于阴囊和肛门之间。

4.spermary: Be on scrotum inside, it is the organ that produces male reproduction cell, also be the main endocrine that produces male hormone.睾丸:居于阴囊内,是产生雄性生殖细胞的器官,也是产生雄性激素的主要内分泌腺。

5.Earper research has showed that warming the scrotum even more than one degree Celsius is enough to damage sperm.而此前有研究表明,男性生殖器官升高一度便足以损害精子。

6.You take a pocket knife and cut off about the bottom third of the scrotum.用小刀在,阴囊底部的三分之一处切一下。

7.Earper research has shown that warming the scrotum more than one degree Celsius is enough to damage sperm.以前的研究已经发现,阴囊温度上升超过一摄氏度,就足以对精子造成伤害。

8.It may even form a bluish swelpng visible through the skin of the scrotum .它甚至可能形成透过阴囊皮肤可见的带蓝色的肿胀。

9.Testes in the scrotum outside the body, the thermal expansion and contraction from the scrotum to regulate the testicular temperature.外的身体阴囊睾丸,热膨胀和收缩的阴囊调节睾丸温度。

10.If your baby is a boy, his testes will begin to descend from the body cavity into the scrotum.如果婴儿是个男孩,他的睾丸会开始从体腔消失进入阴囊。