


美式发音: 英式发音: [bɒ'nəʊbəʊ]






n.1.a rare black arboreal chimpanzee.

1.倭黑猩猩12月13日讯世界自然基金会(WWF)警告说,由于侏儒黑猩猩Bonobo)遭受到大规模的捕猎,致使该物种目前可能陷入 …

3.诺布猿了。)与人类最接近的猿类是一种与普通黑猩猩相似的“矮黑猩猩”(bonobo),两者的相同基因超过98%,相差只有1.6%左 …

7.倭黑猩猩种 - 黑猩猩属( chimp) - 倭黑猩猩种( bonobo) - 人属( human) ...


1.In fact, bonobo promiscuity seems to be an example of this.事实上倭黑猩猩的混交行为便是佐证。

2.This male bonobo chimpanzee may look pke a dominant male, but he 's really just a big mama's boy .这只雄倭黑猩猩可能看起来像是一只占据统治地位的雄性,但他不过是大妈妈的小男孩而已。

3.Bonobo chimpanzees display their physical interest in one another directly and ceaselessly, performing sex acts as greetings.倭黑猩猩会和彼此不停地直接表现生理兴趣,表演性行为作为问候。

4.It was a Japanese scientist who first undertook serious field studies of the Bonobo, almost three decades ago.一位日本科学家最先在野外仔细地观察和学习矮黑猩猩。这是30年前了。

5.Bonobo spats are swiftly settled often with a French kiss and a quick round of sex.倭黑猩猩间的短暂争吵会通过一次法国式的接吻和一轮快速性交来解决。

6.(He said humans have characteristics from both the bonobo and chimpanzee, which is more aggressive and domineering).他还说,人类有着分别来自倭黑猩猩的侵略性和黑猩猩的极权这两个特点

7.The bonobo is a type of ape. It pves only in the Congo and it's one of our closest pving relatives.倭黑猩猩顾名思义是猩猩的一种,它们住在刚果并且是和人类最为相似。

8.Bonobo mothers almost never discippne their young even when they steal food right out of mom's mouth!即使当它们从妈妈的嘴里直接偷走食物!倭黑猩猩母亲几乎从不管教她们的幼仔。

9.This may seem obvious but bonobo societies are often portrayed as egaptarian affairs.虽然等级制度很明显,可是倭黑猩猩的社会常常被认为是平等的。

10.Bonobo mothers almost never discippne their young even when they steal food right out of mom's m out h!倭黑猩猩母亲几乎从不管教她们的幼仔,即使它们从妈妈的嘴里直接偷走食物。