


美式发音: [ˌfʌndəˈment(ə)l] 英式发音: [.fʌndə'ment(ə)l]




复数:fundamentals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fundamental research,fundamental principle,fundamental problem,fundamental change,fundamental reason


n.ground rule,axiom,tenet,stipulation,point of departure




1.十分重大的;根本的serious and very important; affecting the most central and important parts of sth

There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.这两个观点有根本区别。

A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.公共医疗在组织上需要一个根本性的变革。

a question of fundamental importance首要问题

2.~ (to sth)基础的;基本的central; forming the necessary basis of sth

Hard work is fundamental to success.勤奋工作是成功的基础。

3.[obn]基本的;不能再分的forming the source or base from which everything else is made; not able to be divided any further

a fundamental particle基本粒子


1.[usupl]基本规律;根本法则;基本原理;基础a basic rule or principle; an essential part

the fundamentals of modern physics现代物理学的基本原理

He taught me the fundamentals of the job.他教给了我这工作的基本知识。



adj.1.relating to the basic nature or character of something2.essential to the existence, development, or success of something

1.基本的 beginner n. 初始者 fundamental adj. 基本的, 基础的 elementary adj. 初级的 ...

2.基础的 beginner n. 初始者 fundamental adj. 基本的, 基础的 elementary adj. 初级的 ...

3.根本的 foundation n 基础,地基 fundamental a 基础的,根本的 function n 功能 ...

4.根本性  (1)“根本性”(fundamental)表明业务流程再造所关注的是企业一系列的核心问题,例如为什么要做现在的工作?为什么要用现在的 …

5.基音  2006 基音Fundamental) 5 150 另发行双CD版本,加附一张名为“基音主义”的混音辑  BPI销售认证:银唱片   2006 好友音乐 …


1.But despite real drawbacks and a bit of hype, cloud computing remains a fundamental, very important trend.尽管存在障碍以及炒作成分,云计算仍然是根本而重要的趋势。

2.It's really a very deep , very powerful , very fundamental idea, whose effects we've only just begun to see.这真是个非常深刻,非常有用,非常基本的理念而我们只是刚开始见证这个理念的作用。

3.Vocabulary, as a fundamental aspect of second language acquisition (SLA), has always been a concern of L2 learners and researchers.词汇,作为学习外语的一个基本因素,一直是广大外语学习者和外语工作者关注和研究的焦点。

4.The fundamental need is to be able to find a common ground on which progress can be launched.我们需要做的是找一个共同基础,让大家可以一同迈进。

5.Fundamental analysis alone is often insufficient to use when deapng with currencies, commodities and other "margined" products.通常在货币、商品和其他“保证金”产品交易时只使用基本面分析是不够的。

6.Fundamental to almost all apppcations that call themselves Ajax based is the creation of a component known as the XMLHttpRequest object.几乎所有称得上是基于Ajax的应用程序都会创建称为XMLHttpRequest对象的组件。

7.V Lovell Thailand on its own does not meet, is really talented people of any fundamental feature of.伏尓泰对自己的不满足,是任何真正有天才的人的根本特征之一。

8.The fundamental interest of every country is to step up consultation and cooperation and keep international trade smoothly flowing.当前加强磋商、增强合作,保持国际贸易渠道畅通,才符合各国的根本利益。

9.Perhaps this gets to the root of the matter, to the most fundamental distinction of all between East and West.或许这会获得事情的根本,在东西方的大多区别上。

10.As a method for projecting future price movement, technical analysis has turned out to be far superior to a purely fundamental approach.作为预测未来价格波动的一种方法,事实证明技术分析比纯粹的基本面分析要高级很多。