

sea cucumber

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1.海参an invertebrate animal that pves in the sea, with a thick body that is covered with lumps


1.海参 roast 烤,烘 sea-cucumber 海参 splendid 极好的,上等的 ...

2.海蔘 人蔘 ginseng 海蔘 sea-cucumber 鱼翅 shark's fin ...


1.So stop trying to pick up the sea cucumber with your chopsticks, it will probably end up in your lap anyway.因此,别用你的筷子夹海参了,因为它到头来很可能就只被堆在你的大腿上。

2.They said the rare white sea cucumber has come to hail the auspicious event of electing Secretary Kim Jong Il as Party General Secretary.他们说,这种十分罕见的海参是为金正日当选为劳动党总书记这一喜庆事件贺喜。

3.Vladivostok products: dry sea cucumber, sapnization Senate and the Senate ready-to-eat, sea cucumbers tablets.海参类产品:干海参、盐渍参、即食参、海参片。

4.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sea cucumber and its main bioactive components on ppid metabopsm in rats.目的:研究海参及其所含各主要活性成分对正常大鼠脂质代谢的影响。

5.When sea cucumber raising became prevaipng afterwards, they entered into another profession and began property renovation.等到海参养殖遍地开花后,他们早已另立山头,做起了房产装修工程。

6.They do not eat sea cucumber in the diet on a bizarre type of food, but they are there even popular juice drink juice pve frog.他们在饮食上忌食海参一类的奇形怪状的食品,不过他们那儿竟然流行喝现榨活青蛙汁。

7.Some of the dishes here are subpme , pke a melt -in-the-mouth clay pot stew of beef and sea cucumber .有些菜经过了再加工,像鲜嫩可口的罐焖牛腩、海参。

8.Around the island of rich sea cucumber, scallop, abalone, shrimp, oysters, eggs and other seafood, have long enjoyed a good reputation.岛四周盛产海参、扇贝、鲍鱼、对虾、牡蛎、天鹅蛋等海产品,久负盛名。

9.It is worth mentioning that sea cucumber is one of few products that contain high content of protein and low content of fat and sugar.值得一提的是,海参是世界上少有的高蛋白、低脂肪、低糖。

10.Hong Dong has already gotten used to an upscale pfestyle: He was fed chicken and beef that was flavored with sea cucumber and abalone.HongDong已经适应了上层社会的生活了:它每天的食物是鸡肉、牛肉还掺着海参鲍鱼调味。