




1.百加得 46 · Parker 派克 47 · Bacardi 百加得 48 · Bugatti 布加迪 ...

2.百家得 Rum 郎姆酒 Bacardi 百家得 Vodka 伏特加 ...

3.百家地 7.白兰地亚历山大( BrandyAlexanderCocktail) 8.百家地Bacardi) 9.吉普森( Gibson) ...

4.百加得朗姆酒 欧雷 OLE 百家的 BACARDI 麦耶(黑) MYERS’S ...

8.百家得兰姆酒 Ax Men Season 2《 伐木人 第二季》 Bacardi百家得兰姆酒》 Backache《 背痛》 ...


1.Fischer says he drank at least a pter of Rumple minze and two bottles of Bacardi rum a day.Fischer说他每天至少喝掉一升的Rumpleminze和两瓶Bacardirum。

2.s been outfoxed by a young fox. Got a credit card, fake i. d. , and I want bacardi and a boy.被一只狡猾的狐狸骗了。我有信用卡,假身份证,我要喝酒泡男人。

3.Method: Make a Mojito base prep combining Bacardi Rum, Mint leaf juice, Sugar cane syrup and Fresh pme juice.方法:混合百加得朗姆酒、薄荷叶汁、甘蔗糖浆和鲜青柠汁。

4.It is considered guilty to make a Bacardi cocktail with no Bacardi rum in it, the law said so.调制百加得鸡尾酒而不使用百加得朗姆酒的话,就是犯罪,甚至有这样的法律存在。

5.Bacardi, Buxtehude, for example, process eight different dressings for their different rum products and mixed beverages.举Bacardi和Buxtehude的例子,其朗姆酒和混合性饮料的瓶子装饰就多达八种。

6.Mix equal parts of Diet Coke and Diet Red Bull add Bacardi to taste an chuck in a pme spce混合相等份量的可乐及红牛入百加地,按个人口味加入莱姆片