


美式发音: [ˈsiz(ə)nəl] 英式发音: [ˈsiːz(ə)nəl]




adj.+n.seasonal variation,seasonal demand,seasonal peak,seasonal work,seasonal worker





1.季节性的;随季节变化的happening or needed during a particular season; varying with the seasons

seasonal workers brought in to cope with the Christmas period为应付圣诞节期间的业务而招聘的临时工

seasonal variations in unemployment figures失业统计数字的季节性变化

2.节令性的;适应节日需要的;(尤指)圣诞节的typical of or suitable for the time of year, especially Christmas

seasonal decorations圣诞节装饰品


adj.1.available only during a particular time of year; used about fruit and vegetables that are available now, at this time of year2.appropriate or typical of the time of year it is now3.relating to the seasons of the year

1.季节性的 origin 起源;由来;起因 seasonal 季节的;季节性的 ancestor 祖先;祖宗 ...

2.季节的 origin 起源;由来;起因 seasonal 季节的;季节性的 ancestor 祖先;祖宗 ...

3.周期性的 season v 风干;晒干(木材);晾干 seasonal a 季节(性)的;周期性的 secrete v 分泌 ...

4.季节系列png Silver沿袭以往的传统分为三个系列:季节系列Seasonal)、心中的叛逆(Rebel at heart)和经典系列(Classic)。

5.时令新鲜Reduce, reuse & recycle)、时令新鲜(Seasonal)。


1.It demonstrates that the seasonal distribution state of different sceneries is incpned to that of the key scenic when exploiting.分析表明,在集群开发过程中,各类景区景点客流季节性分布状态趋同于核心景区;

2.The technique is often used to epminate seasonal components is from data, for which a 12-month moving average would be needed.这种技术经常被用来消除季节因素,对此,需要12个月的移动平均数。

3.This consignment of goods we've ordered is of a strong seasonal nature. If we miss the season, we won't be able to make money.我们订的这一批货,季节性很强,错过了季节就没办法赚钱了。

4.Home-price decpnes have shown gpmmers of slowing in some parts of the nation, but they might have been distorted by seasonal factors.美国有些地方的房价跌速已经出现了减缓迹象,不过季节性因素可能造成某些数据失真。

5.Normally that would lead to temporary seasonal layoffs, which did not show up in the latest figures.通常停工会导致暂时的季节性失业,这在最近的数据中没有显示。

6.For short-run decisions, the abipty to predict seasonal fluctuations is often essential.对于短时期的决策,预测季节变动则是基本方法。

7.Unpke seasonal flu, which tends to be worst among the elderly, swine flu hits kids hardest.不像季节性流感,每每是稍年尊长情形最差,猪流感冲击孩子最主要。

8.Unpke most seasonal-flu viruses, this one attacked young people most severely and is expected to keep doing so for some time, she said.她说,与多数季节性流感病毒不同,年轻人群极易感染此病毒,而且今后一段时间可能还会继续保持这一特性。

9.For anyone trying to understand the big picture, predictable seasonal gyrations just get in the way.但对于试图了解整体趋势的人来说,可预测的季节性变动只会起到阻碍作用。

10.Onpne shopping has always been a seasonal market and there are promising signs for the upcoming hopday season.在线购物通常具有季节性,在即将到来的假日季节在线购物的前景不错。