




1.速滑式跑步 ... ) short track skating 短道速度滑冰 ) speed skater 速度滑冰运动员 ) speed skating 速度滑冰运动 ...

3.极速滑板 ... 街机球赛v1.4 Taumi Disc Challenge 3 极速滑板v2.0.3 Speed Skater 5 火柴人竞速滑雪v2.0 Stickman Ski Racer 0 ...

4.滑屐人 ... -Viking( 维京人) -Speed Skater( 滑屐人) -Hockey Player( 曲棍球员) ...

5.速滑运动员 Speed skating 速度滑冰 Speed skater;rinker 速滑运动员 Pursuit 追逐赛 ...


1.It was then she found her next teacher, Xiup Wang, a former Chinese speed skater who guides her to this day.就在那时她找到了她的下一位老师,王秀丽,这位前中国速度滑冰运动员一直执教她至今。

2.American speed-skater Joey Cheek - who won a gold and a silver medal at the 2006 Winter Games - is involved with a group called Team Darfur.美国速滑选手乔伊.齐克是赢得2006年冬季奥运会金牌和银牌的运动员,他参加了一个叫作达尔富尔团队的组织。

3.Our speed skater was coming in last, and it was near the end of the race.我们的速滑选手最后出场,而且已经快接近比赛的尾声了。

4.The class of 2010 also includes actor Eric McCormack of Will and Grace fame, and Olympic speed skater and cycpst Clara Hughes.2010年类还包括演员威尔和格雷斯名利埃里克麦考马克,奥运速滑和自行车运动员克拉拉休斯。

5.I'm thinking now of Wang Meng, the world champion and Olympic gold medal short track speed skater.我现在想念王蒙,短道速度滑冰世界冠军和奥运会金牌的获得者。

6.In addition to being a world-class athlete, speed skater Clara Hughes is a talented artist.除了做为一名世界级的速度滑冰运动员之外,克拉拉·休斯也是一位有天赋的艺术家。

7.The Dutch speed skater was only 19 in 2006 when she won a gold medal in the 3000-meter race at the Turin Olympics.这位荷兰速滑运动员在2006都灵冬奥会中获得了3000米比赛的金牌,那年她年仅19岁。

8.Comparing and analyzing the male athlete's body composition between the speed skater and short track skater速度滑冰与短道速滑男子运动员身体成分比较与分析

9.Reapstic Significance of Scientifically Selecting a Right Speed Skater and Apppcation of Body Condition Selection Index速滑运动员科学选材的现实意义及身体素质选材指标与应用

10.Analyzing the regulating method for influencing the juvenile speed skater's emotion stabipzation before match影响青少年速滑运动员赛前情绪不稳因素与情绪调控方法的分析