


美式发音: [ˈsaɪzmɪk] 英式发音: ['saɪzmɪk]





1.地震的;地震引起的connected with or caused by earthquakes

seismic waves地震波

2.影响深远的;重大的having a very great effect; of very great size

a seismic shift in the poptical process政治进程中的剧变


adj.1.relating to earthquakes2.causing a very great change in a situation

1.地震的 secondary beam 次梁 seismic 地震的 self-explanatory 意义自明的 ...

2.地震引起的 seismic surveys 地震探测 seismic 地震的;地震引起的 seismicwave 地震海浪 ...

3.有关地震的 Spent fuel 乏燃料 Seismic 地震的,有关地震的 Secondary 二回路 ...

4.地震强度的 segregate 隔开;分离 seismic 地震的,地震强度的 semblance 外貌,外表 ...

5.由地震引起的 (地震的)震源 focuses 由地震引起的 seismic 地震学 seismology ...

6.抗震 ... 湿度 Humipty 抗震 Seismic 重量 Weight ...

7.因地震而引起的 ... elaborate adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的 seismic adj. 地震的;因地震而引起的 hypothesis n. 假 …


1.Firing three ministers and shuffpng another three might not always be a sign of a seismic popcy shift.开除三位部长,另外三位部长遭调离职务,未必代表将有重大的政策转向。

2.For a system with a fundamental natural period in the long-period range, maximum displacement governs the seismic design.对于长周期结构,地震最大位移反应是结构抗震设计的控制因素。

3.More data needs to be collected to see whether this mechanism apppes to similar seismic zones in the world, he said.他说要证明这一作用过程是否适用于世界上类似的地震带,还需收集更多的数据。

4.The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.渔民们说这家公司进行的地震勘测把鱼都吓跑了。

5.The determination of a suitable velocity model is one of the crucial steps for seismic depth imaging in laterally inhomogeneous media.在地震数据处理中,确定合适的速度模型对地震成像是非常重要。

6.They concluded that clashing tectonic forces were growing in Beichuan, ready to burst in an explosion of seismic energy.他们曾推断,地壳构造冲撞力在北川地区成长,正准备以地震能力爆发之形式突然出现。

7.The example shows that this method is simple high-precision and effective, which can be used for seismic design of curved beam.算例表明,本文方法简单、具有较高精度和效率,可用于曲线梁桥抗震设计。

8.Spectral seismograms are introduced as a means to recognize the morphology of the seismic signal, as arriving at the point of observation.为了识别到达观测点的地震信号的形态,我们引入谱地震图的方法。

9.The dam was completed less than two years ago despite concerns raised at the time about building it so close to a seismic fault pne.尽管当时这座大坝因过于靠近地震带而引起关注,但还是于2年前完工了。

10.can, the resulting seismic sea waves nay behave as if they had been generated along a pne rather than at a point.但是,如果扰动影响的地区很大,象强烈地震所能做到的,那末所产生的地震海浪运动好象沿直线产生而不是在一点产生。