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网络释义:Web Run-Time; 关于(with regard to); 慧锐通


na.1.with regard to: used in e-mails and text messages before the subject that you are going to mention

1.Web Run-Time thanks in advance=tia 十分感谢 with respect to=wrt 关于 for you=4u 为你,给你 ...

3.慧锐通 狄耐克( DNAKE) 慧锐通WRT) 文达通( WINDAKA) ...


1.This default-WRT mechanism can be used to make externals appear to be relative to any group or segment in your program.缺省的WRT机制可以用来让外部标志符跟你程序中的任何段或组相关联。

2.After the second or third time I griped about a misbehaving router, one of my friends convinced me to try DD-WRT.在第二次或第三次我疲于应付一台制造麻烦的路由器以后,我的一位朋友说服我尝试DD-WRT。

3.However, the DD-WRT interface is remarkable; it is unequivocally better than any wireless router factory-provided interface that I've seen.然而,DD-WRT界面是非常出色的;它确实好于我所见过的任何由工厂提供的无线路由器界面。

4.The script reads output from the TED every second and records it in a file located on the OPEN Wrt router.脚本读取TED每时每刻的输出的数据,然后将其记录到OPENWrt路由器上的一个文件中。

5.If, however, your router can't handle Tomato or DD-WRT boost, your trusty laptop can serve as a temporary booster.但是如果,你的路由器不支持Tomoto或DD-WRT中继,那么你所信任的笔记本电脑可以临时作为中继。

6.Is management of manufacturing pnes periodically confirmed wrt management of chemicals?生产线关于化学物质管理进行定期确认?

7.Real end users availabipty and response time experience is monitored in real time by Web Response Time (WRT) agent.WebResponseTime(WRT)代理实时监视真实的最终用户可用性和响应时间体验。

8.First of all, it narrates WRT company's phylogeny: Company originally supply international brand' s cloth at various place of Asia.首先叙述WRT公司的发展史:公司原来是代理国际品牌的布料在亚洲各地销售。

9.This command creates a write file named asademo. Wrt, with a transaction log named asademo. Wlg.该命令创建一个名为asademo.wrt的写文件和一个名为asademo.wlg的事务日志。

10.A customized script (customized software) has to then be put into the OPEN Wrt operating system.将自己的定制脚本(定制软件)导入到OPENWrt操作系统。