




1.赛琳娜·戈麦斯 主演:乔伊·金 Joey King 赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 布丽姬·穆娜 Bridget Moynahan ...

2.赛琳娜戈梅兹 (292 天前)


1.Justin Bieber, who took home the award for best male video, was all over his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, at the awards.贾斯汀·比伯在典礼上凌驾于女朋友赛琳娜·戈麦斯之上,赢得了最佳男歌手录像奖。。

2.But now Selena Gomez is opening up about her blossoming romance with pop star Justin Bieber and even admitting that she could be in love.但现在戈麦斯是关于她一朵朵盛开的浪漫与歌星贾斯汀?比伯开放,甚至承认她可能在爱中。

3.Bieber is currently dating Selena Gomez, a 19-year-old actress best known for her Disney Channel appearances.Bieber现在正跟SelenaGomez谈恋爱,一名以迪士尼频道演出出名的19岁女演员。

4.Today, we are going to meet Selena Gomez who has shown in Princess Protection Program.今天,我们要谈到的就是在《公主保护计划》中甜美表现的赛琳娜•戈麦斯。

5.selena gomez Good answer! Speaking of music, you and your band were on America's Got Talent recently. What's your strangest talent?真好的回答!再来谈谈音乐,你还有你的乐队最近在《美国大人》里面表演。那么你们的“特长”是?

6.Actresses Jessica Alba and Selena Gomez, and singer Christina Aguilera, were reportedly among the victims.其他受害人还包括演员杰西卡·阿尔巴、赛琳娜·戈麦斯和歌手克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉等。

7.Lovebirds Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez may be planning a duet.继情侣贾斯汀毕伯,戈麦斯可能策划二重唱。

8.Selena Gomez: Two words come to mind: popshed and fresh. Also, tangerine goddess.看到她,脑子里立刻自动蹦出俩词儿:精致、清新。多像掌管橘子丰收的女神~。

9.I'm your host, Dana Ward, with some news about how you can become a true Selena Gomez insider.我是你的主机,一些关于如何才能成为一个真正的内幕消息塞莱娜戈麦斯达纳病房。

10.But the days of sneaking around are long gone for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, who are now officially dating.贾斯汀比伯和塞莱娜戈麦斯偷偷摸摸约会的日子一去不复返了,现在他们正式约会了。