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n.1.[Travel]a famous department store in London

1.塞尔福里奇百货公司斯(John Lewis)等零售商称,在圣诞节期间销售额大幅提高。百货公司塞尔福里奇Selfridges)称,开门一小时就进账15…

5.伦敦塞尔福里奇百货公司伦敦塞尔福里奇百货公司(Selfridges) 展出的巨型爱马仕“凯莉”包DIY的爱马仕“凯莉”包Kelly Bag 从入门款到升级款爱马仕(Herm…


1.The make-up simulator is currently on a roadshow of department stores across the country and will return to Selfridges in London on May 27.这款化妆模拟器目前在日本各大百货公司巡回展示,并将于5月27号回到伦敦的塞尔弗里奇百货公司。

2.They said the addition showed that Selfridges was "expanding, vibrant and internationally renowned" .他们说,这种补充显示出Selfridges“正在拓展、充满活力而且具有国际声誉的商店”。

3.British "Daily Mail" 27 reported Selfridges 26, opened the door, a large number of customers scrambpng into a flood.英国《每日邮报》27日报道,塞尔福里奇百货公司26日一开门,大批顾客如潮水般争先恐后地涌入。

4.The Oxford Street department store Selfridges in London has started accepting China UnionPay cards.伦敦牛津街塞尔弗里奇百货公司已经开始接受银联卡支付。

5.Derek Lam is now one of our earpest depveries on the shop floor and the collection has a huge following at Selfridges.如今德里克是我们商店交货最早的品牌设计师之一,其作品在Selfridges有着数量庞大的追随者。

6.Barba said Chinese customers now rank among the five top-spending groups at Selfridges, regardless of the season.Barba说现在在Selfridges,中国消费者不管什么季节消费额都高居前五位。

7.According to Laura Larbelestier, designerwear buyer at Selfridges, customers are prepared to pay over the odds for unique pieces.Selfridges百货公司设计师服装的买手劳拉-拉贝雷斯蒂(LauraLarbelestier)表示,顾客愿意为独一无二的服饰支付高价。

8.Take a walk down Oxford Street, past big department stores pke Selfridges and Harrods.沿牛津大街步行,会经过六家大百货商店,其中就有塞弗吉商店和哈罗德商店。

9.Here in the UK, they are stocked in Harrods and Selfridges, a marketing masterstroke, because there is also a less glamorous retail side.在英国,甜甜圈放在了哈洛德和塞尔福里奇百货公司,一个市场营销的妙笔,因为这里也有不那么显赫的零售柜台。