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网络释义:美元(US Dollar);美金(US dollars);年销售额



na.1.US dollars

1.美元(US Dollar): 目标市场潜力: USD 目录更新 下载规律: 年销售额USD): 是否购买库存 达成日期: 制定日期: 其他: 春交会: 秋 …

4.美国美元(United States Dollar) NOK 瑞典克朗 USD 美国美元 AUD 澳大利亚元 ...

5.美国美元(United States Dollars)(2)货币代码,如:USD (United States Dollars,美元)、CNY(China Yuan,人民币)。


1.We will consult relevant courier company here and inform you how much postage you should pay to our USD account.我方将咨询相关快递公司,然后通知贵方要付多少到我方的美元账户上。

2.Markets are still uncertain about how much of the US downbeat economic condition is already priced in to the Usd.市场形式仍不明朗,对于美国经济情况的恶化已经被计入了美元汇率的变化考虑之中。

3.The USD was no longer the only foreign currency around which RMB exchange rate stuck. There is a more flexible system of RMB exchange rate.人民币汇率不再盯住单一美元,形成更富弹性的人民币汇率机制。

4.However, in late Asian trading we are beginning to see some Usd buying interest.然而,后市我们开始看到市场对于购买美元的兴趣开始呈现。

5.Commonly known as the U. S. dollar is the United States currency, the currency symbol for USD.美元俗称美金,是美国的货币,货币符号为USD。

6.One important element of the fpght from the USD has been a synchronous exit out of longer-dated US Treasury securities.投资者由美元转向的一个重要因素是远期国债同步退场。

7.Residents of the UAE spend about USD 109 milpon a year on tobacco, she said.阿联酋的居民每年大约花1.09亿美元购买烟草。

8.We expect currencies to be in a range and that the move over the past few months has shifted the USD to the lower end of our expected range.我们预计货币将会在一定的范围内浮动,且在过去几个月里,美元已经跌至我们此前预期的底部。

9.Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani boy who was sold to a carpet industry as a child slave at the age of 4 for the equivalent of (12) USD.伊克巴尔·马薛是一名巴基斯坦男孩,4岁时被父亲以相当于12美元的价钱卖给一家地毯工厂当童工。

10."The negative correlation between the Dow and the USD remains in place with commodity and equity prices buoyant, " he said.“在商品及股市上涨之际,道指及美元的反向联动关系犹在,”他说。