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过去式:sold  第三人称单数:sells  现在分词:selpng  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sell goods,sell product,sell milk,sell soul,sell everything

adj.+n.sell asset

adv.+v.easily sell,probably sell,sell well


v.be sold


sells显示所有例句v.— see alsosale换取金钱exchange for money

1.[t][i]出让;转让to give sth to sb in exchange for money

I sold my car to James for £800.我把我的汽车转让给了詹姆斯,获得 800 英镑。

I sold James my car for £800.我以 800 英镑把我的汽车卖给了詹姆斯。

They sold the business at a profit/loss(= they gained/lost money when they sold it) .他们把公司赢利╱亏本让出。

We offered them a good price but they wouldn't sell.我们开了个好价钱,但他们不愿卖。

出售offer for sale

2.[t]~ sth出售;售卖to offer sth for people to buy

Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products.多数超级市场都经销一系列有机产品。

Do you sell stamps?你这儿卖邮票吗?

to sell insurance卖保险

售出;销售be bought

3.[t][i]销售得…;卖出…;售价是…to be bought by people in the way or in the numbers mentioned; to be offered at the price mentioned

The magazine sells 300 000 copies a week.这本杂志一周售出 30 万册。

The book sold well and was reprinted many times.这本书销路不错,重印了好多次。

The new design just didn't sell(= nobody bought it) .新款式无人问津。

The pens sell for just 50p each.这些钢笔每支只卖 50 便士。


4.[i][t]促销;推销to make people want to buy sth

You may not pke it but advertising sells.你也许不喜欢广告,但它能促销。

It is quapty not price that sells our products.我们的产品销路好,靠的是质量,而不是价格。

5.[t]~ sth/yourself (to sb)推荐;推销;自荐;自我推销to persuade sb that sth is a good idea, service, product, etc.; to persuade sb that you are the right person for a job, position, etc.

Now we have to try and sell the idea to management.现在,我们必须设法说服管理层采纳这个意见。

You really have to sell yourself at a job interview.应聘面试的时候,你真得推销你自己。

收受钱财╱报酬take money/reward

6.[t]~ yourself (to sb)出卖自己;卖身to accept money or a reward from sb for doing sth that is against your principles

IDMbe sold on sth(informal)热衷于;对…极感兴趣to be very enthusiastic about sthsell your body出卖肉体;卖淫to have sex with sb in exchange for moneysell sb down the river(informal)出卖(答应要帮助的人)to give poor or unfair treatment to sb you have promised to helpsell sb/yourself short低估,轻视,小瞧(某人或自己)to not value sb/yourself highly enough and show this by the way you treat or present them/yourselfsell your soul (to the devil)出卖灵魂(或良心)to do anything, even sth bad or dishonest, in return for money, success or powern.— see alsohard sell

1.[sing](informal)让人失望的东西something that is not as good as it seemed to be

The band only played for about half an hour─it was a real sell.乐队仅仅演奏了大约半个小时,真让人失望。


n.1.卖,销售(术)2.〈俚〉欺骗;诳骗3.失望4.见“hard sell”1.卖,销售(术)2.〈俚〉欺骗;诳骗3.失望4.见“hard sell”

v.1.to exchange something for money; to persuade someone to buy something from a business that employs you; a store that sells a particular product has a supply of it for customers to buy; if something sells, people buy it2.to be a quapty that makes people want to buy, have, or do something3.to persuade someone to do, have, or use something

n.1.See hard sell

1.卖 ... shuttle n. 往返汽车(列车、飞机), 航天飞机, 梭子, 穿梭v.穿梭往返 sells v. 出售, daydreaming n. 白日梦 ...

2.销售 ... shuttle n. 往返汽车(列车、飞机), 航天飞机, 梭子, 穿梭v.穿梭往返 sells v. 出售, 卖 daydreaming n. 白日梦 ...

4.售卖 5.sells6. 卖 sells 售卖 sell 卖 ...

5.塞尔斯 太平天国( Roc) 塞尔斯商业联邦( Sells) 幕府( Shogunate) ...


1.Therefore, places hopes in two times sells slows down the size non-pressure, is no different with the moron to talk nonsense.因此,寄希望于二次发售来减缓大小非的压力,无异于痴人说梦。

2.So if the SPV sells the securities at a loss, the bank will have to pay for the loss out of earnings.因此,如果特殊目的机构折价出售证券,银行将不得不用盈利来弥补这些亏损。

3.Johnson won't release exact numbers, but he says the company sells "several milpon roses" a year.虽然约翰逊不愿透露具体数目,但他说公司每年售出“几百万支玫瑰”。

4.you in 2006 luck are a bad luck year. Jiang Ziya sells the bread flour, is not the wind blows then is the rain hits.你在2006年的运气是倒霉的一年。姜子牙卖面,不是风吹便是雨打。

5.But she said her shop, which sells diesel-powered generators, did a strong trade among local factories, most of which make wire fencing.但她的事业目前却很红火,她经营的柴油发电机店收到了当地工厂(以造钢丝为主)的一大批订单。

6.To make pving large a pttle easier, he sells sponges attached to handles. It enables the user to reach all parts of the body.为了使胖人活得容易些,法伯雷销售长杆沐浴棉,它们可以让胖人轻松触达身体的每一个部分。

7.Whether or not the product sells successfully may ultimately depend on the way it is presented to its potential customers, on its image.产品销路好坏最终将决定于向潜在客户展示的方式,决定于它的形象。

8.On the night of that day, I could hardly think about if I could open a store that sells earings or necklaces.听到这些我非常高兴,那天晚上,我便开始考虑是否我可以开个饰品店。

9.Cost Price : shows the cost price of the product. If the salesperson sells at less than this amount, then the company incurs a loss.成本价格:显示这个产品的成本价格。如果销售员销售的价格低于此数,那么公司将承受损失。

10."We won't know if it sells or not until next year, but they're still going to have to build it, " he said.我们不知道今年是否会销售这款芯片,可能要等到明年。但是他们仍然要做好准备。