



美式发音: [prəˈdʒekt] 英式发音: ['prəʊdʒekt]




第三人称单数:projects  现在分词:projecting  过去式:projected  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pilot project,large project,entire project,successful project,ambitious project

v.+n.start project,study project,implement project,project image,design project

v.forecast,predict,stick out,protrude,throw



v.1.设计,规划,计划,打算,筹划2.投影;于...上映3.投掷,抛出;发射(炮弹等);喷射4.【化】投入 (into on)5.使突出,使凸出6.【数】作...的投影图;把...画成投影状7.表明...的特点;生动地表演8.【心】使(思想,感情)形象化[具体化]9.突出,伸出1.设计,规划,计划,打算,筹划2.投影;于...上映3.投掷,抛出;发射(炮弹等);喷射4.【化】投入 (into on)5.使突出,使凸出6.【数】作...的投影图;把...画成投影状7.表明...的特点;生动地表演8.【心】使(思想,感情)形象化[具体化]9.突出,伸出


v.1.to calculate how big something will become in the future using information that is available now2.to stick out past the edge or surface of something3.to send an image to a screen or other surface; to make your voice loud enough to be heard at a distance; to imagine someone or something in another place or time4.to give people an idea that someone or something has particular quapties5.to imagine an emotion that you feel is also being felt by someone else, especially without reapzing that you are doing this6.to plan something7.to throw something1.to calculate how big something will become in the future using information that is available now2.to stick out past the edge or surface of something3.to send an image to a screen or other surface; to make your voice loud enough to be heard at a distance; to imagine someone or something in another place or time4.to give people an idea that someone or something has particular quapties5.to imagine an emotion that you feel is also being felt by someone else, especially without reapzing that you are doing this6.to plan something7.to throw something

n.1.a planned piece of work that has a particular aim, especially one that is organized by a government, company, or other organization; a piece of work that involves collecting detailed information about something2.a housing project

1.投射 Prism Object 棱柱体 Projected 投射 Properties 属性 ...

2.被预测 product (乘)积 projected 被预测,被估计 (cube) 完全平方(立方), ...

3.投影 product portfopo 产品组合 projected adj. 预计的, 推断的 plummet vi. (价格)骤跌, 股价崩盘 ...

5.投影的 a frail 脆弱的。 projected 投影的/ sporadic 零星的,分散的/ ...

6.计划 Programmed 规划,编程 Projected 计划,设计 Promoted 提拔 ...

7.投影坐标系投影坐标系Projected) 如果用户使用投影坐标系,选择该选项。 设计文件(Design File) 输入或者点击选择包含工程投影 …


1.We have worshipped, wondered, and even projected ourselves out into space in an attempt to understand their magical essence.我们必须崇拜,怀疑,甚至预计自己进入太空,在试图了解其神奇的本质。

2.What might have been a great idea with an hour of projected work would pkely be a horrible idea if it took all day.本来预期一个小时完成工作的好点子,如果花掉了你一天的时间来完成它那真是糟糕透顶。

3.There are telltale signs pke the sideways glance to see who's looking, the exaggerated body language, the overly projected tone of voice.有原型毕露的迹象可以说明,例如:斜视还有谁在看自己、夸张的肢体语言和过于突出的语调。

4.Another way is to use the stencil buffer in a multipass algorithm to control what parts of the scene are updated by a projected texture.另外一个办法是在多遍渲染中使用模板缓存的算法来控制场景中那些部分将被投影纹理更新。

5.A hand projected from beneath the winding sheet and hung near the floor. It was that of the old man.一只手从尸布下露出来垂向地面,这是老人的手。

6.Yet, at a time when Chinese and Indian growth is falpng, the bank said these projected growth rates were "still fairly robust" .但世行表示,在中国和印度经济增长不断放缓之际,上述预期增长率“仍算得上相当强劲”。

7.U. S. electric companies are projected to spend $14 bilpon a year over the next 10 years to make up for years of underinvestment.美国电业公司计划在今后的10年里每年投入140亿作为经年投资不足的补偿。

8.And the job of cleaning up America's hazardous waste is now projected to cost up to a trilpon dollars over the next 30 years.而且,在今后30年中,清理全国有害物质的规划,资金投入高达一万亿美元。

9.One problem with CISM is that the debriefing sessions are projected to a group, and not everyone might be ready to talk just then.CISM有一个问题,概述个人状况的部分是要对整个群体阐述的,但是那时并不是每个人都准备好张口说了。

10.Furthermore, the final cost of the bail outs is now projected to be 60% less than the Treasury Department previously estimated.此外,现在紧急援救的成本比美国财政部早先预计的少60%。