


网络释义:inverse zig-zag; 惯性矩; 徐正曦


1.inverse zig-zagmodeler (Imodel) 325, an inverse zig-zag (IZZ) 326 and inverse quantizer (Iquant) 327 and an inverse discrete cosine tra...

2.惯性矩 西恩•潘 Sean Penn 徐正曦 IzZ 徐筠 xuyun ...

4.截面惯性矩EAL)给出,主要包括截面(area),两个方向的截面惯性矩(IZZ)和(IYY),两个方向的厚度(TKY和TKZ),相对单元坐标系x轴的 …

5.惯性矩大小相关知识 “联合截面”中其它参数, “板宽度”影响截面惯性矩(Ixx、Izz)大小, “CTC(钢梁之 间中心距) ”只影响横向抗弯


1.What kind of husband would ask Izz to go to Brazil with him so soon after parting from his wife?与妻子分离后,这么快就叫伊茨和他一起去巴西了,这是什么样的丈夫呢?

2.'Well yes, Izz said I shouldn't tell. But he asked her to run away to Brazil with him! '嗯,是的,伊茨说我不应该告诉你。可是,他叫她跟他一起私奔到巴西去!

3.But now that she was stung to a fever by Izz's tale there was a pmit to her powers of renunciation.但是现在伊茨的故事刺激了她,才使她感到她忍耐的程度是有限度的。

4.'I'm sorry, Izz, 'he said suddenly. 'Please forget what I said just now! I must be mad! '“我很抱歉,伊茨,”他突然说道,“请你忘掉我刚才说的话吧!我一定是疯了!”

5.Marian and Izz had seen Tess moving house with her family, and knew what a difficult position she was in.玛丽安和伊茨知道苔丝和她的家人搬家了,也了解她处在一个怎样的困境当中。

6.Marian and Izz were much interested in her excursion, knowing that the journey concerned her husband.听说她这趟出门与她的丈夫有关,玛丽安和伊茨都很关心。

7.Marian was soon snoring, but Izz did not drop into forgetfulness for a long time.不久,玛丽安的鼾声响了起来,但是伊茨过了好久才入睡,才忘记刚才的一切。

8.Angel Clare, to whom three-quarters of this performance was a commonplace act of kindness, now approached Izz.安琪尔·克莱尔现在走到了伊茨的面前,不过在他的这番举动里,有四分之三是出于一种帮忙的性质。

9.'Izz, by your honesty you have saved me from doing something wicked. Thank you for that. And please forgive me! '伊茨,你的诚实挽救了我,使我避免了一件罪恶的事情。我要因此感谢你,也请你原谅我!

10.A rosy spot came into the middle of Izz Huett's cheek.伊茨·体特听了,脸颊的中间出现了一块玫瑰色的红晕。