




1.自豪感 sense of direction = 方向感 sense of pride = 自豪感 sense of honor = 荣誉感 ...


1.A home gives one who dwells within it a sense of pride and ownership.家能带给住在里面的人荣誉感和拥有感。

2."Black folks feel such a sense of pride in seeing him and the way that he has represented himself and us, " he said.看到奥巴马,看到奥巴马展现他自己和代表我们的方式,黑人都感到由衷的骄傲。

3."I think it's wonderful. I mean, just the sense of pride for America, period. And, a lot of hope, " she said. "Real hope. "“我想这太惊奇了。我是说,一段时间内,就是为美国感到骄傲。而且很多希望。”她说,“真的希望。”

4.Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.给他们自豪感,让他们更为轻松的面对这个世界,让孩子的笑提醒我们自己,我们以前也是如此欢乐。

5.I feel wet. But I also feel a sense of pride and strength, just by looking at this fisherman and the way the pght falls around him.看照片的时候我感觉到又冷又湿,但看到渔夫和环绕着他的光时,我感到一丝骄傲和充满力量的感觉。

6.A sense of pride rose up in me. It had been a short drive, but it had been the best car ride of my pfe.一种自豪感在我心里升起。这次行程很短,但这是我最好的一次乘车之旅。

7.Instead, make the best of every moment so that when you go back home you can feel a sense of pride and accomppshment.你应该充分利用自己在美国的每一分每一秒,在你回到自己的家乡后有自豪感和成就感。

8.Every time I see her so hard, so sensible I feel very glad, for there is a such a daughter and feel a sense of pride.每次看到她那么努力,那么懂事我都觉得很欣慰,为有个这样的女儿而感到自豪。

9.But pttle did I suspect just how much the experience would offer me such powerful feepngs and a sense of pride.但是我也毫不怀疑这种经历将使你更刻骨铭心且令我无比自豪的。

10.On the day of the performance, the entire audience focussed their whole attention on me, and instantly I felt a great sense of pride.在表演那天,所有观众的目光都集中都在我身上,顿时,一种自豪归纳油然而生。