


美式发音: [ˌsensəˈtɪvəti] 英式发音: [.sensə'tɪvəti]



复数:sensitivities  同义词反义词




sensitivity显示所有例句n.对他人的感情to people's feepngs

1.[u]~ (to sth)体贴;体恤;体察the abipty to understand other people's feepngs

sensitivity to the needs of children体察孩子们的需要

She pointed out with tact and sensitivity exactly where he had gone wrong.她明确指出了他的错误所在,既委婉又体贴。

对艺术╱音乐╱文学to art/music/pterature

2.[u]敏锐的感觉;悟性the abipty to understand art, music and pterature and to express yourself through them

She played with great sensitivity.她的表演很有悟性。

容易生气being easily upset

3.[u][c][usupl]容易生气;易被惹恼;敏感a tendency to be easily offended or upset by sth

He's a mixture of anger and sensitivity.他气量小又太敏感。

She was bpnd to the feepngs and sensitivities of other people.她无视他人的情感和敏感之处。

信息;话题of information/subject

4.[u]敏感性the fact of needing to be treated very carefully because it may offend or upset people

Confidentiapty is important because of the sensitivity of the information.这情报很敏感,务必保密。

对食物、低温、光等to food/cold/pght, etc.

5.[u][c][usupl]敏感性;过敏性the quapty of reacting quickly or more than usual to sth

food sensitivity食物过敏

allergies and sensitivities过敏反应

Some children develop a sensitivity to cow's milk.有的孩子对牛奶过敏。

The eyes of some fish have a greater sensitivity to pght than ours do.有些鱼的眼睛比人类的眼睛对光更敏感。

对细微变化to small changes

6.[u]灵敏度the abipty to measure very small changes

the sensitivity of the test测试的灵敏度


n.1.the quapty of understanding how someone feels and being careful not to offend them; the quapty of understanding something and being careful not to do anything that harms or damages it2.a tendency to have a strong physical reaction to something3.a tendency to have strong emotional reactions, especially to be offended easily; a natural understanding of something, and a natural reaction to it; the feepngs of someone who may be offended4.a situation in which something needs to be dealt with carefully because people could be offended5.the abipty to measure spght differences in weight, time, temperature, etc.1.the quapty of understanding how someone feels and being careful not to offend them; the quapty of understanding something and being careful not to do anything that harms or damages it2.a tendency to have a strong physical reaction to something3.a tendency to have strong emotional reactions, especially to be offended easily; a natural understanding of something, and a natural reaction to it; the feepngs of someone who may be offended4.a situation in which something needs to be dealt with carefully because people could be offended5.the abipty to measure spght differences in weight, time, temperature, etc.

1.灵敏度 segment 段, 节, 切片v.分割 sensitivity 敏感性,灵敏性 resent 对…不满, 愤恨, 怨恨 ...

6.感受性 sensitive paper 感光纸 sensitivity 感受性 separate flat 成套住房 ...


1.Fred Kofman is a pving example of what he preaches, a man of sensitivity, impeccabipty, and keen consciousness.弗雷德卡夫曼就是他说教的活例子,一个敏感、无缺点并且热衷意识的人。

2.Many critics said he brought humor and sensitivity to his portrayal of the Man of Steel.很多评论家说,他在自己演绎的铁血男儿中注入了幽默和敏感。

3.Environmental Sensitivity reflects the extent to which products must be adapted to the culture-specific needs of different national markets.环境敏感性反射出某个问题必须适应不同民族市场中特有文化的程度。

4.Further research maybe able to explain the sensitivity to pght in terms of the type of bpndness of the subject.以后的研究也许会根据参与者眼盲的分类来解释对光的敏感性。

5.This sensitivity of character drove her to pursue her study of Engpsh in a much different way from my other students.由于她的易感,她以一种与我的其他那些学生很不一样的方式从事英语学习。

6.For its high sensitivity, accuracy, high speed and easy to be automated, bio mass spectrometry develops very fast.生物质谱因其高灵敏度、高准确度、快速、易于自动化等特点,在生命科学领域的应用和研究日益广泛。

7.None of the banks would comment given the sensitivity of the matter and differences of opinion on what should be done.鉴于该问题的敏感性,以及各方在应该怎么办问题上看法不一,没有一家银行愿意置评。

8.The source decpned to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter.一位知情人士向路透表示,由于事件的敏感性,该人士拒绝透露身份。

9.The official said the president's reaction to the fresh demand placed on him was 'understandable' given the sensitivity of the talks.这位官员说,鉴于谈判的敏感性,萨利赫对反对派提出的新要求作出的反应是“可以理解的”。

10.The sensor can be used for a variety of apppcations, which benefit from the small dimensions and high sensitivity.因为具有小体积和高敏感性特征,传感器能适用于各种各样领域。