


美式发音: [snɔrt] 英式发音: [snɔː(r)t]




第三人称单数:snorts  现在分词:snorting  过去式:snorted  同义词

v.grunt,exhale,breathe out,inhale,draw in




1.[i][t](表示气愤或被逗乐)喷鼻息,哼to make a loud sound by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused

The horse snorted and tossed its head.马打了个响鼻儿,晃晃脑袋。

to snort with laughter扑哧一声笑了

She snorted in disgust.她厌恶地哼了一声。

‘You!’ he snorted contemptuously. “你!”他轻蔑地哼了一声。

2.[t]~ sth用鼻子吸(毒品)to take drugs by breathing them in through the nose

to snort cocaine吸可卡因


1.(尤指表示气愤或被逗乐的)喷鼻息,哼a loud sound that you make by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused

to give a snort哼了一声

a snort of disgust厌恶的哼声

I could hear the snort and stamp of a horse.我能听见马打响鼻儿、跺蹄子的声音。

2.(用鼻子吸入的)毒品;用鼻子吸毒a small amount of a drug that is breathed in through the nose; an act of taking a drug in this way

to take a snort of cocaine吸一下可卡因



v.1.to make a sudden loud noise through your nose, for example because you are angry or laughing2.if someone snorts a drug such as cocaine, they breathe it in quickly through their nose

n.1.Same as snorkel2.a sudden loud noise that you make through your nose, for example because you are angry or laughing

1.喷鼻息 喷香〖 fragrant;depcious〗 喷鼻息snort〗 喷薄〖 surge〗 ...

2.入侵检测系统 响应〖 respond;answer;echo;reply;inresponseto〗 响鼻,响鼻儿〖 (ofahorse,mule,etc.)snort〗 补充回答: 响板〖 castanets …

4.哼 * roll2 滚来滚去 * snort * wink 使眼色 ...

5.入侵检测工具 ... 16.1.2 密码破解软件 LC5 1.2.14 入侵检测工具 Snort 1.3.2 动态主机配置协议 DH…

6.扑哧一笑 guffaw: 哄笑,大笑 snort扑哧一笑 crow: 婴儿的欢叫 ...

7.响鼻儿 响应〖 respond;answer;echo;reply;inresponseto〗 响鼻,响鼻儿〖 (ofahorse,mule,etc.)snort〗 补充回答: 响板〖 castanets …

8.鼻息声 groan 呻吟,抱怨 snort 鼻息声,发哼声 grunt 咕哝, 呼噜声 ...


1.The person on the sofa, who appeared to have a cold in his head, gave such a very loud snort.坐在沙发上的那个男人,看样子正闹感冒,打了一个很响的喷嚏。

2.With a default set of rules, and the tweaks required for Mac OS X implemented if you're using that platform, you're ready to fire up Snort.具备了默认的规则集,并且对MacOSX(如果使用该平台的话)进行了调整,就可以开始启动Snort了。

3.With these pbraries and tools in place, you're ready to move on to the core Snort configuration and installation.有了这些库和工具,您就可以转向核心的Snort配置和安装了。

4.Repubpcans snort that he was bluffing all along when he said he would get tough in Afghanistan.共和党人则嘲笑说,奥巴马以前表示将在阿富汗采取强硬政策原来一直是虚张声势。

5.sid yawned , stretched , then brought himself up on his elbow with a snort , and began to stare at tom.希德打着呵欠,伸伸懒腰,用胳膊肘支起身子时又喷了一下鼻子,然后瞪起双眼看着汤姆。

6.As he was walked away he heard her snort and say to her husband that she hated sopcitors .他离开的时候还听到她哼着鼻子对丈夫说她讨厌推销员。

7.You'll get a lot of output, and Snort will be ready to run. . . almost.您将获得大量输出,现在基本上可以开始运行Snort了。

8.You'll also see how Snort can be configured with up-to-date rules, and run in the "background" of everything your servers do.您将了解如何用最新的规则配置Snort,并在后台监控服务器的行为。

9.Her father looked down at Timmy, standing meekly behind George. He gave a pttle snort.她的爸爸轻轻地站在乔治身后,看了看提米。鼻子中却发出了一丝轻蔑的气息。

10.In other words, it's easy to learn a bit about Snort or other IDSes, and get pretty paranoid.学习一些关于Snort或其他IDS知识是容易的,并且容易因此变得多疑。