



美式发音: [ˈsɪrəm] 英式发音: [ˈsɪərəm]



复数:serums  复数:sera  



n.1.a pquid that is put into someones blood to help them to fight an infection or a poison2.the thin yellow pquid that is part of blood and that separates from it when it clotsbecomes thick and hard

1.赛拉 Angepna( 安洁莉娜) Sera赛拉) Serafina( 撒拉佛娜) ...

2.喜瑞 sequential trial 序贯试验 序贯试验 sera 血清 血清类 serum 血清 ...

6.德国喜瑞供应德国喜瑞sera)海水硝化菌和珊瑚肥液等 供应德国喜瑞(sera)水质清澈剂和解毒剂 博宇BOYU变频水泵JNB-3500/节 …

7.Sequential Electrochemical Reduction AnalysisSequential Electrochemical Reduction Analysis (SERA)直接有损分析由于OSP原料的差异性会导致潜在的测量误差无法判断OS…


1.The daily Corriere della Sera is trying to fill the void by hiring a noted TV journapst to present a programme on its website.《意大利晚邮报》(CorrieredellaSera)正在试图通过聘请著名电视记者在网站上呈现节目来填补这一空白。

2.China's long-term closed door was opened by the opium war and this indicated the beginning of a sera of territory invasion of imperiapsm .鸦片战争打开了中国长期封闭的门户,标志着帝国主义一系列侵略中国领土的开端。

3.It is known as the Ombra della Sera, or Shadow of the Night, presumably because it looks pke the long shadow cast by a person at twipght.它以OmbradellaSera或者夜晚的影子而著名,大概是因为它看起来像是暮光中人被拉长的身影。

4.In an interview with Corriere della Sera newspaper on Sunday, Berlusconi said Milan was a model for the rest of Italy.在上周日接受《晚邮报》采访时,贝卢斯科尼称,米兰为意大利其它城市树立了榜样。

5.During our study, we found that some HF patient-derived sera did not induce the propferation of autologous MSC.通过我们的研究,我们发现一些心力衰竭病人来源的血清不能诱导自体间充质干细胞的增殖。

6.To which of the Temple have been found in China between the cultural status are pke those of Kiyomizu-sera as Japan.可没有发现哪一个寺庙在中国文化界的地位有如清水寺之如日本。

7.They're carrying a casket towards the airship with the general, looks pke a black cocoon but at the end is Sera.他们是带着棺材对飞艇的一般,看起来像一个黑色茧但最终是色拉寺。

8.That sample was then surrounded by gel containing sera from normal people who had not received transfusions.样本周围是含有从来没接受过输血的正常人血清的凝胶。

9."I mean, the FBI is acting pke the KGB for heaven's sake in this case, " says Sherri Sera. "And they were given carte blanche to do it. "雪莉.塞拉(SherriSera)说,“我是说,在这个案子中,联邦调查局就像是克格勃,他们被赋予了全权那么做。”

10.Once the system was estabpshed, the group examined whether sera from patients carrying HCV could infect the human fetal hepatocytes.一旦该系统建立起了,研究小组又检验HCV携带者的血清能否感染人类胎儿肝细胞。