


美式发音: [ˈsɜrvɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)vɪŋ]





复数:servings  同义词




1.(供一个人吃的)一份食物an amount of food for one person

This recipe will be enough for four servings.本食谱为四人量。




n.1.an amount of food for one person

v.1.The present participle of serve

1.服务 知识小专栏 Knowledge Column 服务 Serving 促进 Accelerating ...

2.上菜 Seating arrangement 座次 Serving 上菜 “Help yourself” 劝菜 ...

3.一份 coronation 加冕(仪式) serving 服役 armed forces 部队 ...

6.事奉我们周末的‘礼拜(Service)’内容转换成为‘事奉serving)我们的邻舍’。经过两天的培训课程后,教会会友和小组将使用他 …

7.伺候 ... prc 中华人民共和国 serving n.服务,招待,上菜,伺候 problem n.问题,难题 ...

8.端菜上桌 ... 4-6 Preparing Desserts 准备甜点 4-7 Serving 端菜上桌 Telephone Basics 电话英语基本实用 …


1.Aman Ullah lost both of his legs more than a year ago while serving in the Khyber tribal area on the border with Afghanistan.AmanUllah在阿富汗边境的吉波尔部落服役时失去双腿已有一年多。

2.The urge to eat to the bottom of a bag appears to wane when a package is so large it is clearly not a single serving size, Dr. Geier says.盖尔博士说,当包装很大、明显不是一人份的量时,吃完整袋才停下来的欲望似乎会有所减弱。

3.Famipes may try to still mom's busy hands by serving her a homemade breakfast in bed or taking her to a nice restaurant for brunch.家庭成员们会停下母亲忙碌的双手,为她准备一份自制的早餐在床上享用,或是带她去一家高档餐馆吃早午餐。

4.But let us ask ourselves: what sort of self-serving doctrine says, "Please, put all the taxes on me" ?但是让我们问自己这个问题:有哪类为本阶级服务的学说会宣布‘请求君主让吾来承担所有的税收吧’?

5.Jacob Zuma's chances of serving a second term as the country's president would dip if it had done worse.如果结果更糟的话,现任南非总统雅克布.祖玛继续第二任期的可能性就变小了。

6.A decade or two ago Damascus offered just a handful of restaurants serving typical Syrian cuisine.十到二十年前,大马士革只有一些提供传统叙利亚食物的餐馆。

7.I got a chance to speak with him through e-mails and he seems very knowledgeable and dedicated to his product and to serving people.我曾有机会通过电子邮件与他交谈,而他似乎是位非常渊博,并致力于健身产品的开发及为他人服务的人。

8.Eating at least 1 serving of fish a week and getting the right amount of antioxidants through diet or supplements lower your biological age.每周至少吃一次鱼,从饮食中获取大量的抗氧化剂,从而降低你的生理年龄。

9.When confronted, the restaurant accepted responsibipty for serving whale, and now faces a fine of up to $200, 000.当餐厅受到当面对证时,承认售卖鲸鱼,并面临了最高200,000美元的罚款。

10.White House spokesman said Washington condemned the kilpng of Ahmad Wap Karzai, who was shot dead by his long-serving head of security.白宫一名发言人表示,华盛顿对艾哈迈德·瓦利·卡尔扎伊被杀提出谴责。他是在家中被服务时间很长的安全力量领导人枪杀的。