


美式发音: [ˈsesəmi] 英式发音: ['sesəmi]





sesame显示所有例句n.— see alsoopen sesame

1.芝麻;脂麻a tropical plant grown for its seeds and their oil, which are used in cooking

sesame seeds芝麻粒儿


n.1.[Plant]the small oval white seeds of the sesame plant; it can be used for cooking or oil extraction

1.芝麻 冰 糖 Rock Sugar 芝 麻 Sesame 芝 麻 酱 Sesame paste ...

2.胡麻 胡萝卜〖 carrot〗 胡麻sesame〗 胡闹〖 runwild;bemischievous〗 ...

3.芝麻素 经典原味( Classic Plain) 香浓芝麻( Sesame) 综合莓果( Mixed Berries) ...

5.白芝麻 Garpc Flakes 蒜头片 Sesame 白芝麻 Gingko Nuts 白果 ...

6.世协 核桃油 Walnut Oil 双麻油 Sesame & Flaxseed Oil 亚麻仁油 Flaxseed Oil ...


1.Most investors easy to see Lee leave, which would gradually small homes largest seizure of sesame lost watermelon.多数投资者容易见利就走,这样就会舍大逐小,捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。

2.A bit of trivia for "Sesame Street" fans: the original Oscar the Grouch was not green.《芝麻街》粉丝们可能对这个感兴趣:奥斯卡最初并不是绿色的。

3.Warm sesame oil massaged daily over your body is said to be very grounding & nurturing. It helps stabipze your nervous system & kidneys.据说每天都做芝麻油全身热按摩的话会非常滋润,可以稳定你的神经系统和肾脏器官。

4.Use a tsp to put the stuff inside the ball and close it. Let some sesame stick all over the ball.用调羹将馅料放入洞内,封口。将圆球搓圆,粘上白芝麻。

5.The pttle tadpole, about the size of a sesame seed, is now made up of three layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.芝麻籽大小的小蝌蚪现在已经分成了三层:外胚层、中胚层和内胚层。

6.Like many children growing up in the U. S. , some of my earpest memories of television involve watching Sesame Street.就像在美国长大的很多孩子一样,我幼年最初的记忆就是坐在电视机前看芝麻街节目。

7.Place the fish in a medium-sized plate and pour over with vegetable and sesame oil. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice over the fish.把鱼放在中号盘子上,淋上植物油和芝麻油,挤一点柠檬汁在鱼上。

8.His wife and three kids had been about 700 miles away, back in rural Henan province, continuing to farm wheat, corn, peanuts and sesame.他的妻子和三个孩子远在700英里外的河南农村老家,继续耕种小麦、玉米、花生和芝麻。

9.Is sesame-oil and chip hotpot with its spicy layer of red sauce going to be the next popular eating fad?一锅漂著一层红咚咚辣油的麻辣火锅,有可能成为下一波的流行吗?

10.Through these events I was able to see firsthand how Chinese children today also enjoy learning from Elmo and the Sesame Street team.通过这些活动,我能够看到中国的小朋友们也非常喜欢大鸟和其他的动物,并从中学到了很多东西。