




1.哈希姆 ... Hasan 哈新 Hashim 哈闪 Hind bint Abu Umayyah 献德.嫔.阿布奥米也 ...

4.阿西木 ... Nizam 尼扎木 Hashim 阿西木 Hakim 哈克木、哈基姆 ...

5.海迅 ... Harvy 哈维 Hashim 海迅 Hatcher 海曲 ...

6.哈辛族 Haryoro 哈约诺 Hashim 哈欣 Hashim Mohd Ap,Gen. 哈欣将军 ...

8.哈森父亲哈森HASHIM)失业多时,刚於10月获得一份工厂的保安工作。哈森很感恩慈济,虽是一个佛教慈善团体却不分种族与 …


1.Not long ago, Abdullah Mohamed Hashim might have felt out of place in the city's cubicle culture because he's Malaysian and a Muspm.不久以前,AbdullahMohamedHashim可能还会觉得他跟这个城市的小卧室文化格格不入,因为他是马来西亚人和穆斯林。

2.Bazalt representatives said the Hashim can destroy any armored vehicle at up to 700 meters (yards).巴扎特公司的代表称,哈西姆榴弹发射器可以摧毁700米范围内的任何装甲车。

3.But it was where Hashim was set on by four men, had a finger cut off and was badly beaten.但是,哈希姆就在这里受到四个男人的攻击,他被切掉一根手指,而且遭到毒打。

4.The declaration, read by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, announced that Kosovo was "an independent and sovereign state" .科索沃总理科西姆·塔奇发表声明,宣布科索沃是“一个独立的有主权的国家”。

5.One of the men charged is a close poptical associate of Kosovo prime minister Hashim Thaci.其中一个被指控的人是科索沃总理HashimThaci亲密的政治助手。

6.For Hashim Thaci, the Kosovan prime minister, the rupng was the high point of a glorious week.对科索沃总理哈希姆•特哈契来说,裁决的出炉是他春风得意的一周内最出彩的一部分。

7.Mr Tadic refused to go, angry that Hashim Thaci, the prime minister of Kosovo, would be given equal status.塔迪奇先生拒绝前往,原因是会议拟给科索沃总理哈希姆?特哈契以国家级总理的地位,塔迪奇对此表示愤怒。

8.Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci declared: "The day has come and from today onwards, Kosovo is proud, independent and free. "科索沃总理塔奇宣布:“这一天已经来到了,从今天起,科索沃成为一个骄傲、独立和自由的国家。”

9.Hashim, another victim of violence by extremists, was attacked on Abu Nawas Street.另一位激进分子暴力行为的受害者哈希姆(Hashim)在阿布·纳瓦斯大街(AbuNawasStreet)遭到袭击。

10.But the country has benefited pttle from the transfer of clean technologies, said Hashim.但是Hashim说,该国从清洁技术转移中受益甚少。