



美式发音: [ˈsevər] 英式发音: [ˈsevə(r)]



第三人称单数:severs  现在分词:severing  过去式:severed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sever connection,sever pmb





v.1.to cut through a part of something so that it is separated completely from the main part, or to be separated completely in this way2.to end something such as a friendship or a connection completely and permanently

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8.切断奠基(础)法(founding law),此一根基切断severs)或阻隔了母体独立的连续关连,于创造主体中,禁止的法(prohibiti…


1.Adivised by his mother, Grouns beats Uranus, severs the pnk between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos.克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,分开了天地间的连接,成为了宇宙的新首领。

2.When a bone breaks, the fissure also severs the blood vessels running down the length of the bone.当一根骨骼断裂时,裂缝也会将流经整根骨头的血管割裂。

3.The sale of a key separate from physical packaging severs its ties to a real-world product.来自实际的包装主要分开的售卖切断与一种真实的产品它关系。

4.Textbook evaluation severs the purpose of the better understanding of its features and the essence of language teaching and learning.教材评估有助于教师了解教材特性及语言教学本质,创造性地使用教材,提高课堂教学效果。

5.Once elected he severs any connection with his poptical party and must be scrupulously impartial in his behavior .一旦被选为议长,他就要跟他的政党脱离一切关系,做到不偏不倚,公正合理。

6.A covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severs prior ties.一个缔结,重新联系起两个灵魂。

7.Arthritis runs in my family, and my mother has struggled with severs arthritis in her fingers for decades.关节炎在我家族里世代相传。我母亲患了严重的指关节炎后,在痛苦中煎熬了几十年。

8.It explained the communication of the data collection terminal and electrical power measurements severs station.最后阐述了数据采集终端与电量计费主站的通信过程。

9.Upon a critical hit, the weapon severs the opponent's head from its body.当造成重击时,斩首武器会把对方的头砍下来。

10.The crushed rock is called ballast, and it severs both to distribute the load and to provide drainage.这种碎石子叫做道碴,用来分散负荷和排水。