


美式发音: [ɡeɪt] 英式发音: [ɡeɪt]




复数:gaits  同义词




1.步态;步法a way of walking

He walked with a rolpng gait.他走起路来摇摇晃晃。



n.1.the way that someone walks

1.步态 scuttle( 急促奔跑,快跑); gait步态,步伐); stampede( 逃跑,奔 …

2.步法 gainer dive 倒翻跳水 gait 步法 gallop step 跑马步 ...

3.步伐 scuttle( 急促奔跑,快跑); gait( 步态,步伐); stampede( 逃跑,奔 …

4.速度 gadfly n. 虻;牛虻 gait n. 步态,步法;速度 galactic a. 乳汁的;催乳的 ...

5.步态,步法 gadfly n. 虻;牛虻 gait n. 步态,步法;速度 galactic a. 乳汁的;催乳的 ...

6.花纹循环 ... ) design cycle data 花型纹循环数据 ) round of pattern,floatrepeat;gait;repeat 花纹循环 ...

7.步态研究并恢复活动力。维骨力和软骨素的关节炎干预试验或步态研究(GAIT),证实许多人已经知道,维骨力和软骨素是许多关节炎患 …

8.以从容的步伐走路 an ~ motion 缓慢的动作 walk with an ~ gait 以从容的步伐走路 ...


1.Then the Poincar map of bound gait was defined, and a fixed point of the map was figured out with Newton-Raphson method.定义了四足机器人被动跳跃步态的庞加莱映射,利用牛顿迭代法获得了庞加莱映射的某个固定点。

2.Furthermore, the point-to-point( PTP ) control sequences for a leg and a crawl gait algorithm of the vehicle is advanced.最后,提出机器人腿的顺序点位控制方案,给出机器人爬行步态算法。

3.Operations made it possible for him to walk and, with the AID of a built-up shoe, to have a fairly normal gait.动过手术,他能够走路了。穿上特制的鞋,使他的步态很平稳。

4.The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which incpned him somewhat to the left of a straight pne.他的双腿走起路来摇摇晃晃的,并且重心有点偏,使他的步态微微向左形成一条直线。

5.The jockey wanted him to show the animal's gait, and urged him to trot with him for a wager.这个赛马骑师让他展示一下这匹马的步法,竭力要他骑马慢跑和他打个赌。

6.At this time the sun seem to have lost the reserved and shy, by the slow gait of the following has become firmly.这时的太阳似乎失去了矜持和羞涩,由慢吞吞的步态变成了紧紧的追随。

7.You shuffle when you walk. Doctors call it a magnetic gait because your feet seem to stick to the ground.你步履蹒跚医生称这种情况为磁步态因为你的脚像是粘在地上。

8.AM: . . . ice-skating gait. There isn't all this sort of snake way of walking.AM:。。。滑雪式的倾斜。实际上没有人会这样像这样蛇行。

9.As she walked beside Archer with her long swinging gait her face wore the vacant serenity of a young marble athlete.她迈开大步,走在阿切尔身旁,脸上平静、安详的表情酷似一尊年轻运动员的大理石雕像。

10.Spp across the grasslands of Mongopa, ruins of the Great Wall the only witnesses to my furtive gait?或者是在长城断垣残壁的见证下,鬼鬼祟祟地穿越广袤的蒙古草原?