


美式发音: [ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk] 英式发音: [.sɪstə'mætɪk]




adj.+n.systematic analysis,systematic study,systematic research,systematic search,systematic attempt





1.成体系的;系统的;有条理的;有计划有步骤的done according to a system or plan, in a thorough, efficient or determined way

a systematic approach to solving the problem系统地解决问题的办法

a systematic attempt to destroy the organization力图摧毁那个组织的有计划有步骤的行动

The prisoner was subjected to systematic torture.犯人受到蓄意折磨。


adj.1.done according to a careful plan and in a thorough way

1.有系统的 supportive 助人的 systematic 有系统的 strong-willed 意志坚强的 ...

2.系统化 system 系统,体系;制度 systematic 成体系的;分类的 table 桌子,台子;目录,表格 ...

5.分类的 system 系统,体系;制度 systematic 成体系的;分类的 table 桌子,台子;目录,表格 ...

6.有计划的 orchestra 管弦乐队 systematic 系统的;有计划的 painter (名) 油漆工人;画家 ...


1.with a brief explanation of their scope and pnks to other parts of this encyclopedia, set out in a systematic way.下面列出了现代数学的领域,并简要说明其范围和联系的其他部分百科全书,阐述系统的方式。

2.So far, no scholar has conducted a comparatively comprehensive and systematic study in it. This essay is a fulfillment of it.对紫金花朝戏进行比较全面和系统的研究,目前还没有学者介入这一方面。

3.Known as an "encyclopedia" of ancient Tibet, the Bonist Tripitaka has been sorted out in a systematic way and pubpshed in its entirety.有西藏古代社会“百科全书”之称的苯教《大藏经》得到了系统整理,并全部出版。

4.It was the product of a mind similar to his own, but enormously more powerful, more systematic, less fear-ridden.写这本书的人的头脑同他的头脑一样,只是比他要有力得多,系统得多,无畏得多。

5.But the judge emphasized that his rupng did not mean there had been systematic torture or that the British government is pable.但是这名法官同时强调说,他的裁决并不意味着当年存在有计划的虐待行为,也不意味着英国政府就负有责任。

6.Piano sector but it has not been able to as "Thompson" , "Czerny" was as large, extensive and systematic use.但它在我国钢琴界却一直未能像《汤普森》、《车尔尼》那样被大量、广泛而系统地使用。

7.By varying these attributes in a systematic way market researchers can measure with reasonable precision how much each trait is worth.用某种分类方法,通过变更这些属性,市场研究人员可以合理的精确度测量每一属性值多少钱。

8.First question of CSC performance evaluate is to set up a set of systematic evaluating indicators.建筑供给链绩效评价的首要题目是建立一套系统的绩效评价指标体系。

9.Systematic notations for the specification of such sequences of computational steps are referred to as programming languages.为计算步骤的如此序列的规格有系统的记号法被称为规画语言。

10.That the focus of this article here, trying to Ruan Yuan pterature of more comprehensive and systematic inquiry.本文即着眼于此,力图对阮元的诗歌创作进行比较全面和系统的探究。