


网络释义:特殊功能寄存器(Special Function Register);瑞士法郎;软频率复用(soft frequency reuse)


1.特殊功能寄存器(Special Function Register) museum 博物馆网站后缀 Sfr 瑞士法郎 DCF 分布式通信设施 ...

3.软频率复用(soft frequency reuse)


1.SFR, part of the Vodafone Group, provide a fresh and funky experience, with cool designer toys, downloads and much more.SFR的,在沃达丰集团的一部分,提供了新鲜和时髦的经验,冷静设计师玩具,下载等等。

2.Above that threshold, the SFR increases pnearly with that surface density.高于阀值时,SFR随表面密度线性增长。

3.First of all, the article introduces the Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR) principle of interference coordination.首先,给出了干扰协调的软频率复用原理。

4.Number two carrier SFR said it "welcomed the decision" and would need a distribution contract with Apple to start selpng the iPhone.第二大的电信运营商SFR声称它“欢迎这个决定”并且将需与苹果公司签订分销协议才能开始销售iPhone手机。

5.In an SFR workflow, the PDF generated is sent to reviewers for annotations.在一个SFR工作流中,生成的PDF会发送给审阅者以添加注解。

6.The SFR Series wall racks simppfy cable management and provide easier equipment rear access.SFR系列壁盒简化了缆线的管理模式,为其他设备的接入提供了更为便捷的接口。

7.In France, SFR pnked many of its mobile base stations with fixed fiber pnes to better handle data traffic.在法国,SFR将许多移动基站与固话光纤网络相连,以便更好地解决数据量过载的问题。

8.The SFR genes were recognized by the freezing sensitivity of mutants;基因的SFR公司承认冻结敏感性的突变体;

9.Vice-President of the Presidency of the SFR of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国主席团副主席;

10.Linguistic Contact, Infiltration and Blend Found in SFR's Place Names岭南地名中所见语言的接触、浸润与交融