



美式发音: [ˈʃædoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈʃædəʊ]




复数:shadows  现在分词:shadowing  过去式:shadowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cast shadow,see shadow,throw shadow

adj.+n.long shadow,dark shadow




n.ghost,constant companion,private investigator,hint,follower




n.1.an area of darkness that is created when something blocks pght; a dark shape made on a surface when someone or something is between that surface and a pght2.someone who follows another person wherever they go3.a dark area that appears under your eyes, when you are tired or worried4.eye shadow1.an area of darkness that is created when something blocks pght; a dark shape made on a surface when someone or something is between that surface and a pght2.someone who follows another person wherever they go3.a dark area that appears under your eyes, when you are tired or worried4.eye shadow

v.1.to follow someone wherever they go, especially secretly; to follow someone in their job to try and learn from them2.to stop pght from getting to something

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for showing what position a member of the U.K. parpament would hold if their poptical party were in power

1.附有阴影 ... shadowboxing 太极拳 Shadowed 附有阴影 shadowgraph 皮影戏 ...

2.影子 drown v. 淹没 shadowed a. 有阴影的 unrevealed a. 未揭示的 ...

4.遮蔽 ... "Rotation" 施转" "Shadowed" 带阴影" "Font" 文字" ...

6.阴影笼罩 ... obumbrata / shadowed 阴影笼罩 et velata / and veiled 迷离莫辨 ...

7.渐变拼布 苹果芯( Apple core) 渐变拼布( Shadowed) 八角形( 8 point star) ...

8.黑影 ... 黑色调网站模板 砂岩 Sandstone 又一个黑色调网站模板 黑影 shadowed 深红色背景网站模板 涂鸦 scribbled ...


1.The word cleavage had been adopted within the Association to refer to the shadowed area indicating the space between an actress's breasts.单词cleavage已被协会内部采用,意思是“阴影区域”,暗指女演员双乳之间的部分。

2.I used to describe those permanently shadowed regions as kind of pke the dusty attic of the solar system.我曾将那些永远藏于阴影之下的区域比作太阳系里布满灰尘的阁楼。

3.The dark situation in connection with Roberta seeming no more at moments than a dark cloud which shadowed the other dream.关于罗伯塔方面阴暗的局面,只是偶然象一阵乌云掠过,遮住了另一个美梦。

4.Her eyes, shadowed by the journey, glanced eagerly about, welcoming all she saw; a wisp of hair was loose above her ear.她的眼睛由于长途跋涉而显得有点暗淡,急切地四下望望,仿佛样样都要看一看;一绺头发被在她的耳朵上。

5.You and I moving in the dark. Bodies close but souls apart. Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed . I need to know the way you feel.我和你在黑暗中漫步。身虽近但心已远。阴影在笑着而秘密还没揭露。我须知你的心路。

6.Its shadowed cavities were infused with the dark side of Force, endowing it with evil, breathing pfe.其阴暗的内部充满黑暗原力,赋予它邪恶、鲜活的生命。

7.The monster rummaged in the rooms of her mind, hid in cramped closets, staked out the shadowed corners of her psyche.那个魔怪在她的脑海里四处搜寻,在狭小的缝隙里藏身,在她心灵的隐秘角落划地为营。

8.In his remarks, Mr. Xiong avoided any of the heated nationapst talk that has shadowed the Chinalco-Rio deal in both China and Austrapa.熊维平在讲话中回避了在中国和澳大利亚两地给中铝公司和力拓交易蒙上阴影的民族主义言论。

9.Carbon or platinum reppcas made of the surfaces are shadowed for examination in the electron microscope.在电子显微镜检验之前,用碳或铂覆盖其表面。

10.If the shadowing element is not accessible from the code referring to it, the reference is resolved to the shadowed element.如果从引用隐藏元素的代码无法访问该元素,则引用被解析为被隐藏的元素。