


美式发音: [dɪˈminər] 英式发音: [dɪˈmiːnə(r)]







n.1.the way you look and behave

1.行为 delve v 钻研 demeanor n 行为 风度 denote vt 指示 表示 ...

2.风度 风斗〖 windscoop〗 风度demeanor;bearing〗 风范〖 demeanour〗 ...

3.举止 intimidate 胁迫 恐吓 demeanor 行为 举止 amiable 和蔼可亲的 ...

4.态度 demand 要求 demeanor 态度 democracy 民主政治 ...

5.品格 Renunciation 放弃,否认,断念,出家 Demeanor 态度,行为,品格 Discredit 丧 …

6.品行 ... bespeak 预约,指出,指示 demeanor 态度,举止,动作,品行 ethic 个人的道德 …

7.举动 ... charlatan 骗子 假内行 吹牛 demeanor 态度 行为 举动 品格 debiptating 使虚弱 使衰弱 ...

8.计划风采 ... 2049科学报告 |Report 计划风采 |Demeanor 2049计划 |Project 2049 ...


1.If you know your cat well you will be able to tell the difference in his demeanor.如果你足够了解你的猫咪,那你应该能够分辨它行为上的不同。

2.Peony as she was not nor yao Yan as dazzpng peach, but it has a handsome, rustic, tranquil demeanor and charm.她虽没有牡丹那样雍容华贵,也没有桃花那样夭艳夺目,但却有着一种俊秀、质朴、安谧的风范与魅力。

3.Your walk and posture and general physical demeanor before you talk to any potential one night stands is just as important, if not moreso.在你寻找任何潜在的一夜情之前,你走路的姿势和行为举止都非常重要,不然的话就需要更多的信心。

4.An hour later an elderly doctor in his sixties with snow white hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a fatherly demeanor approached me.一个小时之后,一位上了年纪的医生走近我,他六十岁开外,雪白的头发、宝蓝色的眼睛,颇具长者风范。

5.You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warm and kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor.你一定会说我骄傲,但对我来说,真正重要的是,我的孩子长大了,有一颗热情善良的心,为人随和,不装模作样。

6.His demeanor has always been that of a perfect gentleman.他的态度一向是温文有礼的。

7.The president's tone was a marked departure from his usual, cool-headed demeanor. He sounded combative, and people noticed.人们发现,在此次演说中,奥巴马总统一反常态,他的语气听起来并不像往常一样冷静,反而显得咄咄逼人。

8.Yeah. I said a pttle sad. He noticed my change in demeanor and began talking again.“好的。”我有点低落地回到。他认识到了我的心情变化,又说了起来。

9.Rendezvous demeanor coupled with the sense of superiority to the developers, the door to international icon Garden just become CBD East.名家风范加上发展商金地的精品意识,金地国际花园成为CBD东大门新地标指日可待。

10.Traders took solace in the hawkish demeanor of the ECB seemingly forgetting how they were let down by the bank at the last meeting.在欧洲央行的强硬姿态下,交易商看来得到慰藉,似乎忘记了在上次会议上怎样被央行所“辜负”。